Listuguj COVID Test Site Temporarily Closed

The  Listuguj covid test site will be closed until Monday March 14th, 2022, if any community members require PCR testing, call the York gym to be tested 1-877-644-4545

Listuguj Community Health Services – COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Clinic

A mass COVID-19 Vaccination clinic is scheduled for January 21, 2022, at the Listuguj Community Health Center.

If you are interested in getting the COVID-19 Booster vaccine, please call the Health Center to register at (418) 788-2155.  You will be contacted directly with your appointment information.

During this mass clinic, we will be also administering the following:

  • First Dose to 5-11 years
  • First and Second Dose to 12-17 years
  • Booster to 18+ years

Please call during regular business hours 8:30am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday to register.

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic (Phizer) – Ages 5 – 11



This notice is to inform parents and guardians of children from 5 to 11 years of age, that Listuguj Community Health Services will be planning a COVID-19 (Pfizer) vaccination clinic December 16th and 17th.

If you’re considering having your child vaccinated as a measure to protect against COVID-19, we encourage you to please contact Erika Desrochers or Caroline Jacques to schedule your child’s appointment or to answer any questions you may have concerning vaccination.

Thank you for your collaboration,

In Health,

Listuguj Community Health Services


Press Release – Hiring of a liaison nurse at the CISSS de la Gaspésie



Hiring of a liaison nurse at the CISSS de la Gaspésie


Gaspé, September 30 – The CISSS de la Gaspésie, in collaboration with the Mi’gmaq communities of Gesgapegiag and Listuguj, announces the hiring of a first liaison nurse.


The nurse, attached to the Gesgapegiag health and social services center, will work directly with the CISSS de la Gaspésie and the two health centers to allow continuity in the care and services offered to the populations of the two First Nations communities.


This nurse will be the link between the services of the CISSS de la Gaspésie and those of the communities. In addition, she will be responsible for setting up the Mi’gmag cultural awareness program developed by the two communities.


Ms. Chantal Duguay, Deputy President and CEO of the CISSS de la Gaspésie is delighted with this project and supports that “it is the extraordinary collaborative work that has materialized with this hiring, a project led by the three authorities”.

COVID-19 Mental Health Support in Listuguj

The Listuguj Community Health Services would like to address the ‘emotional toll’ placed on community members who have been directly impacted by the recent rise in positive cases here in Listuguj.

They have arranged for a “trauma psychologist” to be at the Health Center on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. The Listuguj Community Health Services believes it is important to provide our community members with an opportunity to seek these professional counselling and support services locally.

Individuals wishing to make an appointment, can call the Health Center at (418) 788-2155.



The Listuguj Community Health Services has arranged with the Quebec CISSS to operate another Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic (2 FULL Days) in our community in parking lot of the Education Complex.  The ‘Delta Variant’ of COVID-19 is here in Listuguj … now is the time to protect yourself.

Here’s what you need to know:

What:            Your first or second dose;

Both the Moderna and the Pfizer Vaccine will be available (your choice);

When:            Friday, October 1st, 2021 from 10:00 – 5:00pm

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 from 10:00am – 5:00pm


Where:          Parking lot of Listuguj Education Complex

Who:              Anyone who wants the vaccine age 12+

Consent required for ages 12-14

We continue our efforts to reach 75% vaccination rate for Listuguj.  This will help ensure the health and well-being of our community during this on-going Pandemic.

Since the beginning of this ‘Fourth Wave – Delta Variant’, our community has had 39 positive cases of COVID-19.  As a result of the efforts made by our community members to follow safety protocols, 26 have ‘recovered’, and as of September 20th, only 13 cases are considered ‘active’.  We wish these individuals a speedy and full recovery and thank everyone for their diligence as we move through this Pandemic.

Covid-19 Update September 18th, 2021

Covid Update for Saturday September 18th, 2021

We have 3 more confirmed cases of Covid-19  as of today.

However, the good news is that these individuals are already isolating (they will be tested once again at the end of their isolation period) and the recent outbreak is contained for the time being.

 The total number of  cases since September 8th 2021 is 39.

 Listuguj remains at Alert Level 2 (Yellow).

Please continue to follow the health protocols (hygiene, masking, social distancing).




Public Health Guidelines, Potential Contact with Covid-19 Info

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government would like to inform you of the Quebec Health Guidelines, and available information concerning Covid-19 Potential Contact through their link here: Covid-19 contact Instructions

On this page:

To help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our community and region, we urge everyone to carefully follow these guidelines and stay vigilant, healthy happy and safe.

We will continue to keep the Listuguj Mi’gmaq community updated as we continue to monitor the developments.


Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Covid-19 Update

September 14, 2021 – The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 today. Quebec Public Health has completed contact tracing and determined that the virus is contained. All those affected are isolating and for the time being Listuguj will remain in Yellow – Alert Level 2. The number of active cases in-community is 30 in total.

We encourage community members, residents, and visitors, to maintain safe COVID-19 practices in the region. Masks, social distancing, proper cough etiquette, and properly washing hands, are effective safeguards against the virus. Let’s continue to do our parts – we’ll get through this together.

Important News & Reminders

Upcoming Vaccination Clinics

The Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the CLSC in Pointe-a-la-Croix is happening today, September 14, 2021, from 9:00am to 5:00pm (Quebec Time). The vaccination clinic scheduled for Wednesday has been postponed until Thursday, September 16, 2021, due to weather.


Rapid Testing is available in Listuguj. To book an appointment, please contact the Listuguj Community Health Services, Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:00pm, at 418-788-2155.

COVID-19 Screen Testing is available in Pointe-a-la-Croix. To book an appointment, please consult the following link, Testing for COVID-19.

Health and Safety Protocols

This is a reminder to all community members and residents of the importance of following the recommended Public Health advice:

  • Monitor for symptoms;
  • Stay home when sick;
  • Wash hands frequently;
  • Practice proper cough etiquette; and
  • Wear mask when out in public.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep our community updated as it develops.
