Call for Tender – Infrastructure Work for Listuguj Hills Phase 2 and 3

Call for Tender – Infrastructure Work for Listuguj Hills Phase 2 and 3


See below the link for MERX:


See below the link for SEAO:

Temporary Drinking Water Network Interruption Notice

Temporary Drinking Water Network Interruption Notice

The tentative schedule for the drinking water network interruptions taking place from Monday, September 11th to Thursday, September 14th, will be as followed:

Monday, Sept. 11th from 1:00PM to 3:00PM
– Daycare
– Police Station
– Health center
– Lnu street
– Plamu street
– Pacific drive from Glitaw to north of Church crescent
Tuesday, Sept. 12th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
– Church crescent
– Pacific in between the Church crescent (3 houses)
Wednesday, Sept. 13th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
– Temporary church / old post office
– Pressure reduction on Riverside from Dundee to the band office (there should be no outages)
– Riverside from the band office to the Education complex
– Old mill road
Thursday, Sept. 14th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
– Temporary church / old post office
– Riverside from the band office to the Education complex
– Old mill road

Request for Proposals – Waqatasg Elders Home Furniture

The Listuguj Community Health Services and Capital & Infrastructure Directorate are currently seeking quotations for furniture and office equipment for the Waqatasg Elders Home in Listuguj. Interested suppliers could receive more information and obtain the Request for Proposal documents directly from Johanne Aubin Design.

Please note the deadline for submission is July 22nd 2022.



Johanne Aubin Design

1 (450) 890 3747

Listuguj Waste Sorting Guide

The Listuguj Capital & Infrastructure Directorate has been taking the necessary steps to work towards a greener Listuguj.  Over the years we have placed multiple programs in place to provide greener services to Listuguj and we would like to clarify some things.

Below you will find a sorting Guide for our day to day waste and where it can be brought. This information packet provides the breakdown of what waste goes in what bin, where oils, paint and other materials can be brought and where  items like batteries and large pieces of metal should be disposed.

LCID would like to thank you for your participation in our greener approach and should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at 418-788-3022.


Click here to vide the Listuguj Sorting Guide

Waqatasg Elders Home Loose Furniture & Equipment Aquisition

Community Health Services and the Capital & Infrastructure Directorates are currently seeking interested consultants to submit proposals for Loose Furniture & Equipment acquisition at the Waqatasg Elders Home in Listuguj.

Interested applicants can find out more information and obtain the Request for Proposal document directly from the Capital & Infrastructure department

Contact:  1 (418) 788 3022


Call For Tender: Contract No.2 Water Treatment Plant

Public Notice from the Capital & Infrastructure Department

Please be advised that we have a Call for Tender currently open for the following:

Project: Contract No.2 Water Treatment Plant

Bid Deadline: 2:00p.m. AST / 1:00p.m. EST, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.

Interested applicants can find Bid Information in the following links below.



Addendum No.2, Mar 8, 2022

Construction Health & Safety Training

Capital and Infrastructure in collaboration with the Health & Safety Department is offering Health and Safety training to those who are interested. The training, dates, and number of participants for each course are as follows:

First Session

LMG Fall Protection

Monday October 25, 2021, max of 15 students.

Tuesday October 26, 2021, max of 15 students.

Instructor-Professional Driving Improvement

Wednesday October 27, 2021, max of 20 students

Scaffolding Safety Training

Thursday October 28, 2021- 2½ day courses AM-12 students, PM-12 students total of 24 students.

Traffic Control Person

Friday October 29, 2021, ½ day max 20 students.

Second Session

Confined Space Training

Monday, November 29, 2021, 8:00 -3:00PM max of 15 students.

Scissor Lift Training

Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 2 ½ day 1st-8:00-12:00, 2nd 1:00-5:00pm max 20, 2 total of 40 students.

Fall Protection Rescue/Confined Space Rescue

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 – 8:00-4:00 max 12 students. (Day 1 of 2)

Thursday, December 2, 2021, 8:00-4:00 max 12 students. (Day 2 of 2)


Friday, December 3, 2021, 8:00-12:00 max 20 students.

Training courses will be held at the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Development Centre (LMDC) a reminder that the LMDC is a Scent-free and Citrus Free building. 

Capital and Infrastructure and the Health & Safety departments strongly encourage personnel who work in construction to take part in the available training. If you are interested in taking any of the training mentioned above, please feel free to contact Jessica Hottot at the Natural Resources Building at 418-788-3022.

Human Resources Reminder from Capital & Infrastructure and Public Works

The Capital & Infrastructure Department and Public Works would like to remind community members that all inquiries regarding job posting and hiring must go through Human Resources (HR) in order to ensure a fair employment opportunity for everyone interested to apply.

With our multiple ongoing projects, there are many employment opportunities offered by Capital & Infrastructure and Public Works. And since all general contractors for all project in Listuguj are contractually required to hire a minimum of 30% local forces, we need all the workers we can get to ensure this standard is maintained.

We look forward to working with all qualified applicants.

If you are interested in applying to a job posting or inquire about hiring opportunities, please contact Human Resources at:  


Safe Uranium Radioactivity Levels

Capital & Infrastructure is pleased to inform community members that a uranium radioactivity test was performed by a professional geotechnical firm at the Busteed Addition-to-Reserve as a preventive measure for future developments. The results received in June 2021 concluded that the area is safe for residential uses. The values obtained were so low that they were very close to the laboratory’s detection limit. The laboratory has confirmed that we “should not be worried about any unusual radioactivity in the area”.

For more information or to consult the report, please visit the Natural Resources Building or call at 418-778-3022