Urban Post Secondary Summer Student Employment Program

Summer Career Placement 2017

Full time Post Secondary students are encouraged to apply for summer student employment programs in the urban area where they reside during the school year. The goal of the Urban program is to enable young people to acquire work experience relevant to their field of studies.

Students residing out of province are directed to the provincial aboriginal organizations that administer the urban program for their area (called Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement holders – AHRDA). Each Centre has a Case Manager/Counsellor that is available to assist you with your summer student employment search.

Depending on where you reside for schooling, the following is a list of the centers where you can apply to for funding for your potential summer employment or to inquire about postings they may be aware of:

Quebec (Montreal)

Urban Service Centre of Montreal (514)283-0901 or visit them at 1117 St. Catherine Street West, suite 720 (Peel Metro Station).

Nova Scotia

Halifax area: Carolyn Landry is at the Dartmouth office (902)405-4730 or aptechrm@eastlink.ca

There are also offices in Liverpool, Sydney and Truro. To reach these Case Managers you can contact the head office at (902)895-1523.

 New Brunswick

The main office in Fredericton will direct you to the agent responsible for your area in New Brunswick 1(800)442-9789.


Ottawa – Kagitamikam Aboriginal Employment & Training Services (613)565-8333

Toronto – Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment & Training (416)591-2310

British Columbia

Vancouver – First Nations Employment Society



Take Note to Apply Early as they have limited funding!!!!!

Any questions?

You can email Casey Metallic at cmetallic@lmdc.ca or call 418-788-1347.