Settlement Funds Received and Application Forms for PCD Now Available

June 4, 2015 (Listuguj, Gespe’gewa’gi) – LMG has received our Settlement Funds from Canada and application forms are now available for a Per Capita Distribution (PCD). LMG will begin processing applications on June 9, 2015.

“We have calculated the amount for each person’s PCD,” said Chief Scott Martin. “On May 29, 2015, Listuguj had a total of 4,013 members (3,960) and active applicants (53).  The LMG will distribute $60 million of the Settlement Funds.  This means each member is entitled to $14,951.41 as a one-time lump sum payment.”

Application forms can be picked up at the LMG office and the post office. They are also available to fill out and print from the LMG web site:  and a link to the application forms and instructions is on the Listuguj Facebook page.  Please call the LMG office if you want an application form mailed to you.

Read the Instructions, fill out the application form and then either apply in person in Listuguj or apply by mail.  The Instructions explain the different procedures for these two different ways to apply. LMG has prepared a PCD Bulletin as well to assist members with the application form and the application process. The PCD Application Form, Instructions, and Bulletin, and this Release, are all available at the LMG Office, post office, through the LMG Facebook page and on the LMG web site at:

“It is important that all members fill out an application form,” said Chief Martin.  “We have to authenticate your identity, we need to make sure you are a Listuguj member, and we need to get banking information for people choosing payment by direct deposit.”

LMG will be setting up an Authorized PCD Application Centre at the Bingo Hall starting on June 9th.  If you choose to apply in person, this is where application forms will be processed. Please see the Bulletin for more details.

Please be reminded that all Listuguj members must be on the band list or active applicants for Listuguj membership on May 29, 2015 in order to be considered for the PCD.  An active application is one that is not denied or rejected, is still being processed and is subject to approval by AANDC or LMG.

Also, please note that Chief and Council confirmed that the LMG will enforce the Listuguj Financial Administration By-law which allows LMG to deduct up to 100% of the first $500 (or less) owed to the LMG and 50% of the PCD amount to cover the balance above $500 of any member’s existing debt with LMG. Members who owe money to the LMG will receive a separate letter about this.

“Nearly 10% of Listuguj members have outstanding debts to LMG and we’re accountable to the Band as a whole for ensuring that those debts are reconciled,” said Chief Martin. “However, we will not collect any funds that members owe to the Federal or Provincial government or any other agency.”


Application documents can be found below:

Click here to access the Per Capita Distribution of Settlement Funds Application Form

Click here to access the Per Capita Distribution of Settlement Funds Application Instructions

Click here to access the Community Bulletin #1 Regarding PCD


For more information on the per capita distribution, please contact:

Mike Isaac, Communication Manager, (418) 788-2136