Project – Salmon Management Plan

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) mandated a review of the Listuguj salmon fishery with the long-term goal of developing an updated salmon management plan for the Restigouche River (estuary and watershed).

As part of phase one of this project, Chief and Council recommended that a ‘Salmon Fishery Advisory Committee’ be established to assist and guide the development of the updated salmon management plan (harvesting component).

The LMG has hosted several information sessions where community members were invited to be part of the Salmon Fisheries Advisory Committee (SFAC). The SFCA will bring together youth, Elders and fishers to participate and contribute to the development of the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan.

The role of the SFAC is to ensure that community concerns about the salmon fishery are addressed in the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan. Secondly, the role of the SFAC is to ensure that Mi’gmaq perspectives (traditions, protocols and processes) are integrated in the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan.

Currently, the Listuguj fishery is managed in accordance with the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation Law on Fisheries and Fishing, which is generally referred to as the “Listuguj Salmon Law”.