Moratorium on Hunting in Listuguj territory
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to inform Kahnawa’kehró:non that it has received notice from the Mi’gmaq community of Listuguj in regard to hunting practices on its territory.
According to a letter sent to Grand Chief Joseph Tokwiro Norton by Listuguj Chief Darcy Gray, respectful hunting practices are not being followed by Kahnawà:ke hunters on Mi’gmaq territory, and that the issue needs to be addressed between the Councils. As a result, the Listuguj Chief and Council has declared a moratorium restricting access to their community’s hunting territory until a protocol is developed.
In addition to the letter, Chief Gray came to Kahnawà:ke last week to meet with Grand Chief Norton to further inform him of his community’s concerns. The issue was discussed at this past Monday’s weekly Council meeting, where Grand Chief Norton and Ietsénhaienhs Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer were given the responsibility on behalf of the MCK to address the issue with the Listuguj Council.
“We have had a long and friendly relationship with the Mi’gmaq people – and Listuguj in particular – for a great many years,” stated Grand Chief Norton. “We will work diligently to find a workable solution for this problem to ensure our great relationship is maintained.”