Migwite’tm 2020
Given the circumstances with the COVID-19 outbreak, the LMG is unable to host the annual Migwite’tm commemoration event. This year, the LMG is taking a different route by hosting a virtual and socially distanced event to remember and honour June 11, 1981.
On the evening of June 11, 2020 we will be hosting fireworks at approximately 9:45 p.m. at Moffat’s Landing. We are encouraging everyone to watch the fireworks from your home or from your vehicle at the wharf, Casino 88, the Education Complex or Moffat’s Landing. If you need to arrive on foot at Moffat’s Landing, please wear a mask, with the exception of children under the age of two or people who have difficulty breathing. We are encouraging all families to social distance and stay in your bubbles.
Colouring Contest:
The colouring pages can be downloaded below. Printed copies are also available at the Post Office and local convenience stores. Once you have finished your colouring page, take a photo of it and send it to Macy Metallic or Emma Metallic at macy.metallic@listuguj.ca or emma.metallic@listuguj.ca or via the LMG Facebook page. With each colouring page that is submitted, your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a prize! Contest deadline is June 11, 2020 at 11:59pm.
#Migwitetm2020 Photo Contest:
Send us a photo of your best catch, best river view, or what do you do to honour and remember Migwite’tm ’81. You may post your photos (old or new!) to Facebook or Instagram using the #Migwitetm2020. ***Please make your posts public. Once your photo is posted, your name will be put into a draw for a chance to win a prize! Contest deadline is June 11, 2020 at 11:59pm.
From June 1981, a story of resistance to on-going settler state acts of violence in Listuguj was told and an evolving memory of resilience was shared for the generations to come. We hope to not only remember and honour those who witnessed and experienced the raid but to also start to think about ways in which new and untold stories can be told from this event.
Download and print colouring pages here: