LMG Quarantine Powers

Chief and Council have delegated new authority to the Unified Command as per OIC #2549. To avoid any risk of infection, the LMG Health Director, or the Unified Command are authorized to order a person to self-isolate for a maximum period of 14 days if the person does not consent to voluntarily self-isolate and is in any of the following situations:

  1. the person shows Covid-19 related symptoms and there are serious reasons to believe the person has been in contact with a person who has that illness;
  2. the person has recently lived, stayed or visited an environment in which persons having Covid-19 related vulnerability factors are also living or staying or in an environment where there is a greater risk of Covid-19 transmission, and there are serious reasons to believe the person has been in contact with a person who has that illness;
  3. the person is living or staying in an environment in which persons having Covid-19 related vulnerability factors are also living or staying or are in an environment where there is a greater risk of Covid-19 transmission, and the person shows Covid-19 related symptoms; or
  4. the person is waiting for the results of a priority Covid-19 screening test;
  5. the person has obtained a positive result following a Covid-19 screening test and is considered to be contagious;

The isolation of a person will cease as soon as a negative Covid-19 screening test is obtained or the LMG Health Director, or an attending physician is of the opinion that the risks of contagion no longer exist; or that a qualified Court has so ordered.