Listuguj Mi’gmaw Language & Cultural Community Center Announcement
Ta’n teltetapu’mimajulti’gw gennmu’g, ango’tmu’g aq nujo’tmu’g ‘ms’t gm’tginaq ta’n Teli’sulti’gw, telangita’sulti’gw aq telinnulti’gw
Living our rights and responsibilities as Listugujewaq by speaking, thinking and being Mi’gmaq
Listuguj Comprehensive Community Plan, 2015
LISTUGUJ, GESPE’GEWA’GI, MI’GMA’GI, MARCH 24, 2022 — The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) is excited to announce an investment of 1.3 million to build and develop the Listuguj Mi’gmaw Language & Cultural Community Center.
The Listuguj Mi’gmaw Language & Cultural Community Center, also known as the Turtle Lodge, is a community-driven project that seeks to provide a centralized public space for Mi’gmaw language and cultural resurgence in our community.
“The development of the Listuguj Mi’gmaw Language & Cultural Community Center is a true milestone for Listuguj. In 2019, community members told us they wanted a dedicated space to practice our language, cultural teachings, and ceremonies. Through this project, we hope to be able to make language and culture more accessible to community members and complement existing language and culture programs our community has to offer” – Chief Darcy Gray
The LMG is a successful applicant to the Cultural Spaces in Indigenous Communities Program Funding and has been awarded 1.15 million from Crown-Indigenous Relations and is investing $150,000 in own-source revenue towards to project. The project is being spearheaded by our Mi’gmaw Language Revitalization and Culture Project Coordinator and Capital and Infrastructure Department.