Listuguj High School Households – Want to share your point of view?

The Listuguj Education, Training and Employment (LETE) is conducting a survey to hear from parents (guardians and caregivers) of Listuguj high school students.

The purpose of this survey is to hear your views, experiences and feelings about your child(ren)’s experiences and feelings about high school, pre-COVID and right now. The LETE will use the results from this survey as part of its ongoing work to strengthen and improve its educational services for Listuguj students. The results will be shared with community.

This survey is anonymous, and it does not need to be filled out entirely. Your participation is voluntary, but much appreciated.  Please fill out one survey per household.

As a way to say thank you for participating, you can give your name and contact information to Bobbi Madahbee (Enhancement Manager) and your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win one of two gift cards valued at 50$ each.

If you have questions, or if you would like to participate in a follow up conversation, please call either the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Development Centre (788-1347) or the Education Complex (788-2248). Leave your name and number, and Bobbi will return your call.

You can find link below. The deadline to submit is February 26th, 2020!