Listuguj Halloween 2020

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government would like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out the Halloween survey. Your valuable input helped us determine our current Halloween plans. Please note that our plans are subject to change.

The LMG is committed to providing a safe environment for our children this Halloween. Should you choose to participate this year, we ask that you make a few adjustments to your usual routine (listed below). Please respect the decision of those who decide not to participate.

As an extra precaution, the checkpoints will be restricting entry to the community from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 31, 2020. Only community members and residents will be allowed entry during these hours. with the exception of emergency vehicles.

Suggested guidelines for children and parents:

  • If you or your child experience symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and call the Quebec Hotline, available 24/7, at 1(877) 644-4545.
  • Try to stay within your neighborhood and/or family bubbles as much as possible.
  • Do not enter anyone else’s home.
  • Practice good hand hygiene, social distancing, and wear a mask.
  • Treats should be quarantined for a period of 24 hours before consuming. Parents can prepare treats for their children to enjoy on Halloween night.

Suggested guidelines for participating houses:

  • If anyone in your home experiences symptoms of COVID-19, please refrain from offering treats and call the Quebec Hotline, available 24/7, at 1(877) 644-4545.
  • Halloween treats must be pre-packaged and placed where children can serve themselves without coming within two meters of the person offering treats.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling treats.