Listuguj COVID-19 Guidelines Update
***Updated below for clarity on February 19, 2021: If you travel to a non-red zone within Quebec and stay overnight, you do NOT need to self-isolate.***
At the beginning of January, the Listuguj community had experienced a spike in cases. Fortunately, due to a quick response by LMG, the cases were localized and there was no community spread. Since then, our actions have reduced the total number of active cases to zero. As a result, Unified Command met this morning, as part of our normal monitoring of COVID issues, to discuss our protocols and seek adjustment, according to the reduced risk faced by the community.
Based on this review, the Unified Command has decided to make the following amendment:
February and March typically bring with it heightened mental health issues. This has been compounded by the measures to contain the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Balancing the risk level with our success in maintaining an infection rate of zero has led to a lessening of our rules regarding day travel.
Effective February 8th, 2021, day trips will be allowed on condition that hygiene and social distancing protocols are followed AND that the primary purpose of the day trip is for exercise and outdoor activities. Inter-regional and inter-provincial travel is discouraged. Overnight travel to ‘Red Zones’ will still require 14-day self-isolation upon return to Listuguj. ***To Clarify: If you travel to a non-red zone within Quebec and stay overnight, you do NOT need to self-isolate.***
In regard to testing, at this point, the PCR test does not provide the level of accuracy to determine if one has active COVID-19 (there are false readings) and at what contagion stage the individual may be. Consequently, a negative test result does not waive isolation or quarantine requirements.
Return to “bubbles”:
In early January, at height of COVID crisis in Listuguj, we moved from “bubbles” to “households”. A household was defined as being “individuals living under one roof”. However, with the current success rates (zero cases) Listuguj can now relax a little and ‘revert back’ to bubbles (one can now associate with, work with, and socialize with individuals in one’s own bubble). It is hoped that if we maintain zero cases, we will be able to progress to a community-wide bubble.
- Any individual coming into Listuguj to work/reside/extended visit will require a 14-day self-isolation period.
- Wash hands, wear masks, maintain social distancing.
- Listuguj non-essential businesses can re-open on February 8th.
- Individuals who travel to a ‘Red Zone’ (or outside the country) are required to self isolate upon return to Listuguj for 14 days. The EXCEPTION is for essential travel with NO overnight stay (this has been defined as grocery shopping, custody pick up/ drop off, medical/health, legal, LMG business, purchase of construction/gardening supplies, government in-person appointments/renewals, funerals). Please note that the intention with the exception is to allow individuals to conduct essential travel. It is meant to be done as quickly and directly as possible.
- Individuals who come into contact with anyone who has travelled to a ‘Red Zone’ for non-essential travel OR who has travelled for essential travel but has overnighted AND this contact has been for more than 15 minutes in an enclosed area without a mask, is required to self isolate for 14 days.
- Anyone who has tested positive must quarantine for 14 days.
- Anyone whom an order has been made to quarantine or self-isolate by competent medical or Public Health authorities shall also be required to do so.