First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy – National Science Camp – Prince Edward Island, August 13 – 19, 2014

First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy – National Science Camp – Prince Edward Island, August 13 – 19, 2014

 Ladies and Gentlemen: 

On behalf of the Québec Region Selection Committee, I am pleased to inform you of an exciting opportunity for five (5) First Nations and Inuit students, aged 12 to 15, non-smokers and living on reserve, to represent Québec Region at a National Science Camp as part of the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy. 

The week-long camp will be held August 13-19, 2014 in Prince Edward Island at Centre Goéland (Wellington), the University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College hosted by Lennox Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). The representatives from Québec Region will meet and interact with First Nations and Inuit students from across Canada while participating in a variety of dynamic educational experiences focusing on science and technology. Participants will be required to complete an evaluation of their experiences at the camp. 

To participate, students have to produce an essay on “How science and technology can help First Nations improve life on reserve” or to submit their winning science fair project report. 

All costs for participation in the camp, including travel, meals and accommodations for the participants will be provided. Costs for a chaperon to take each participant to a local departure point will be covered as well. 

Information on the camp, an application form, parental consent form and submission guidelines are enclosed. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact me at (418) 951-3219 or 

Good luck!

 Sonia Cieslak

Programs Officer

Education and Social Development

Programs and Partnerships

 National Science Camp 2014 – Prince Edward Island

Hosted by Lennox Island First Nation

August 13 – 19, 2014 

in Partnership with

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and The University of Prince Edward Island


Various activities related to science and technology such as:

  • Workshops at the University of Prince Edward Island
  • Visiting Holland College -Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology
  • Visiting Atlantic Veterinary College
  • Elephant Thoughts Workshops
  • Visiting National Parks
  • Guided Astronomy Lessons

Students will travel from home to a local departure point and will fly from there to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, where they will be met by camp staff.

Participants will return from Charlottetown Prince Edward Island to their local departure point, and then to their own community.


Students will be accompanied to a local departure point and picked up at that point by a chaperon from the camp. Two chaperons will accompany the participants to the camp. All chaperons at the camp will be required to provide a criminal record check completed by their local police officials.

Students will stay at Centre Goéland Wellington PEI, with safe accommodations. Girls and boys are separated from each other at night.

All costs for participants, including travel, meals and accommodation are provided. Students will be allowed to bring a maximum of $250.00 in personal spending money and a calling card. 

Travel costs for a parent/chaperon to bring the participant to the local departure point, including accommodations and meals, when necessary, will also be covered.

 Students will be accompanied by a parent/chaperon to a local departure point.

 A chaperon or other camp representative will meet and travel with the students from the local departure point to Prince Edward Island.

 If the students are traveling alone, airlines will be made aware that these are juveniles traveling unaccompanied, and supervision at the airport and while boarding and leaving the aircraft will be arranged.

 Chaperons and/or camp staff will meet the students upon arrival in Prince Edward Island, will accompany the students to the camp and will be with them at all times.

 When returning home, if not traveling with them, the chaperons will remain with the students at the airport until they are placed in the care of the airline for boarding.

 The name of the family member/chaperone picking up the student at the local departure point must be provided in advance, and each person will be required to provide photo identification in order for the child to be released to them.

First Nations and Inuit students aged 12 to 15, non-smoker, living on reserve and enrolled full-time in a council-operated, federal, provincial or provincially-recognized school (including private schools and home schooling) as well as Inuit students aged 12 to 15, non-smoker, residing in the North. Applicants must have demonstrated a real interest in participating in such event. Please note that it will be a smoke-free environment.

Schools can nominate students who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at their science fairs.  If schools did not have a science fair this year, the science teacher can ask their students to submit an essay describing the impact of science and technology in their life in the community, what they think they would learn in participating at the National Science Camp, and what they could contribute to the camp. The essay is to be a maximum of one typed page or two handwritten pages.

 The selection committee will choose the finalists on the content of these essays.

 The application must include:

o    the students winning science fair project (report) or essay

o    a letter of support from the school

o    a letter of reference from one non-family community member

o    a signed parental permission form

o    Statement of Eligibility

o    Application Form

o    UPEI Photo Release Media Authorization Release from Liability

o    Elephant Thoughts Photographic Consent Form 

Applications which do not include all the required documentation will not be considered.

The deadline for submitting the applications is June 6, 2014. Applications must be received by this date. Late applications will not be considered. 

Applications may be submitted by mail, fax, or electronically. When sent by fax or e-mail, they must include all documentation and the original signed application form, the statement of eligibility, the permission forms and the letters of support must follow by mail




Mrs Sonia Cieslak

Programs Officer

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Place Jacques-Cartier Complex

320 East St-Joseph Street  – Room 400

Québec (Québec)  G1K 9J2

Tel:  418 951-3219                         

Fax: 418 648-7685





Finalists will be selected by the committee during the week of June 9, 2014. They will be notified on June 11, 2014.

Acceptance must be confirmed in writing by June 13, 2014. If confirmation of acceptance is not received from any of the 5 participants by that time, an alternate candidate wi
ll be selected.

 Any alternates selected will be notified on June 17, 2014, and confirmation of acceptance to be a participant must be received by June 19, 2014.

National Science Camp 2014 – Prince Edward Island

Hosted by Lennox Island First Nation

August 13 – 19, 2014


in Partnership with

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

and The University of Prince Edward Island

Click Here For The Media Authorization Form

Click Here For The Permission Form

Click Here For The Registration Form

Click Here For The Statement of Eligibility Form