Updates from Education, Training, and Employment
LETE to Lift Mask Protocols
Listuguj Education, Training & Employment (LETE) will be…
Head Start Student Application Notice
An important announcement that the Head Start Student applications…
Call for Tender: Alaqsite’w Gitpu School
Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is posting a call for tender for…
Future of Our Community Education Group Disscussions (LETE)
The Listuguj Education, Training & Employment Directorate…
Office and School Cancellations Due to Weather Conditions
Due to the impending weather conditions, the Listuguj Mi'gmaq…
Listuguj Mi’gmaw Language & Cultural Community Center Announcement
Ta’n teltetapu’mimajulti’gw gennmu’g, ango’tmu’g…
Conflict Resolution Training Course (LETE)
The Listuguj Education, Training and Employment Directorate has…
Student Registration – Education Governance Focus Group
The Listuguj Education, Training & Employment (LETE) is looking…
Alaqsite’w Gitpu School Health and Safety Message
This is an important message from the Alaqsite’w Gitpu School…
Listuguj Youth and Family Center Program and Registration Info
The following is information on the programing the Listuguj Youth…
School Health Guidelines Updated
A Notice that the public health guidelines for schools have been…