Harmony Project
Mawlugti’gw Gissa’se’wa’tutesnu – Together we can make a Difference – Ensemble on peut faire une difference.The Inter-Community Harmony Project, which began in 2002, was initiated to re-establish community ties between Listuguj and Pointe-a-la-Croix. The challenge: to share a vision that touches the youth of both our communities while letting go of our mutual prejudices. Thus, members of these communities have taken it to heart to discuss what can be done to improve the well-being of our youth as well as our communities in general.
[pullquote]“ We have seen the benefits of this program here at home, now it is time to take this program and all its benefits to the next level.” Pierre Vicaire.[/pullquote]
Through the Harmony Project, youth as well as the adults from the two communities may collaborate and work together in a positive manner. We have organized many activities. The activities are educative – to decrease racial tensions; preventative – to diminish violent behaviour and bullying; sports related – to interact in a cooperative setting; and cultural as well as social – in order to better understand and respect each other as communities.
The Harmony Project is now in its 12th year. In the 2014-2015 fiscal year we had had over 35 different activities throughout the school year and summer. This has provided approximately 600 youth, 50 teachers and teacher assistants to establish positive relationships with our neighbors from Pointe a la Croix, Matapedia and St. Francois.
In the span of the 2014-15 fiscal year we have had the opportunity to speak on the concept of the Harmony program here in Listuguj with two research centers and the CEGEP of Carleton and of Chicoutimi. The concept of the Harmony Program was presented to the Ministry of Quebec Education highlighting the implication of positive long term changes between the Quebec members and members of First Nations.
A detailed list of program and activities are available at the Listuguj Education Complex for review.
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