Community Announcement
MARCH 17, 2020 – We understand that there remains a lot of questions regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). On behalf of the Chief and Council, we want to emphasize to our community members that the health and safety of our community and staff remains our number one priority. We are working collaboratively with staff and senior management to develop a thorough response plan to ensure essential operations of our government continues.
Active measures including details surrounding the closure of the LMG will be announced tonight at 6:00 p.m.
At this time we are urging community members to take this pandemic seriously. As a community, we have an individual and collective responsibility to protect and take care of one another. If you are experiencing symptoms or have been in contact with someone with symptoms such as cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, please stay home. We can all play a role in flattening the curve of COVID-19. Wela’lieq Listuguj for your continued patience and understanding as we work through this together.
More information to come.