Chiefs and the First Nations Education Council Working Together to Improve Education in their Communities


For immediate release


First Nations Education in Quebec:

Chiefs and the First Nations Education Council Working Together to Improve Education in their Communities



Montréal, April 5, 2018 – Chiefs of First Nations communities in Quebec, in association with the First Nations Education Council (FNEC), are gathered in Montréal today to discuss important issues related to elementary and secondary education in their communities. They are convinced their children need access to quality education, and they want to draw on the knowledge of their professionals in education and collective vision to develop a funding formula that will enable their schools to provide high quality and culturally adapted education services, and give their students opportunities for higher education.



Discussions were also held on the need to maintain special education services for at-risk students in First Nations schools and the importance of meeting the actual needs of the communities. Invited to participate in this very important meeting, the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador, Ghislain Picard, reminded those in attendance of the seriousness with which the communities are pursuing their efforts to create an education system that gives their children the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Chief Picard stated, “Education is essential, and we are gathered here today to find solutions and courses of action that will make it possible to foresee an improvement of the education services offered in our communities.”



In devoting this day to the future of our children, we do not claim to address all current problems, but we are demonstrating our collective will to engage in a process to improve elementary and secondary education for First Nations youths in Quebec.



About the FNEC

For over 30 years, the FNEC has been working to fulfill the right of First Nations to have complete authority over their education through the implementation of an education system that has adequate resources, and that is developed and managed according to their values and cultures. Further information is available at




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Lise Bastien

Director General
