Listuguj Police Station Preloading Tender

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is currently looking for construction proposals for the site preloading of the new police station building.

Firms interested in submitting a proposal should download the link below, including the tender documents.

Interested firms will have to email the following, showing their interest so they receive all future addendums (if any):

Project Architect

Copied to the General Manager of Capital and Infrastructure, Bassem Abdrabou, P.Eng, M.A.Sc


Please see attachment for further details.

Listuguj Police Station_Site Preloading Tender_2022-09-07


Click here to see the Addendum

Listuguj Police Axon Body Camera Rollout


Beginning August 2022, the Listuguj Police Department will begin rolling out Axon Body Worn Cameras for all frontline members during the course of their daily operations and public interactions.

The use of body worn cameras supports the ongoing efforts of the Listuguj Police Department to create a safe, unbiased, transparent and accountable environment for the residents of Listuguj.

The intended outcomes of the Axon Body Worn Camera initiative include:

  • The enhanced collection of unbiased evidence
  • Enhanced transparency with the public body
  • Enhanced officer accountability and professionalism
  • Protection of both the public and officers
  • To assist in an officers ability to de-escalate certain situations

The Listuguj Police Department is committed to delivering to the community of Listuguj, the highest level of innovative policing which is supported by the technology provided by Axon Body Worn Cameras.

Public information sessions will be held in the near future for anyone interested in learning more about our body worn camera initiative.


(Image of Axon Body Worn Camera)



Chief of Police Trapper Metallic

Listuguj Police Department






Fire Season Notice

The Listuguj Fire Department, in cooperation with the Listuguj Police Department are advising against all grass fires and are asking Listuguj residents to refrain from starting fires in your yard or anywhere in the community.

The forest fire index from The Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs for the Listuguj, Avignon Regional County Municipality region is classified as EXTREME at this time.

This advisory notice on grass fires is due to health, safety, and the environment reasons such as poor air quality, potential harm or damage to people and property and the poor effects on plant life and wildlife.

Dry conditions combined with wind make grass fires dangerous and the number of calls we have received have put a strain on our fire department in the past.

It is our priority to ensure the safety of all residents and we thank you for your support.  Should you see a grass fire, call the fire department by dialing 911.

See below for further information

Call for Fire Caution

Police Station Building Proposal

Interested firms please note that there is currently an Addendum to the Request for Proposal for the design of the new Police Station Building.

Interested firms can contact the following emails below, showing their interest so they may receive all future addendums (if any):

Project Coordinator: Julianne Jacobs


Copied to the General Manager of Capital and Infrastructure, Bassem Abdrabou, P.Eng, M.A.Sc



See attachement for further details

ADDENDUM No 1 05-05-2022

Request for Proposal: Police Station

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is currently looking for design proposals for a new Police Station.

The interested Firms for submitting a proposal can download the link below, including the Request for Proposal documents.

Interested Firms can contact the following emails below, showing their interest so they may receive all future  addendums (if any) :

Project Coordinator


Copied to the General Manager of Capital and Infrastructure, Bassem Abdrabou, P.Eng, M.A.Sc



Listuguj New Police RFP


Temporary Power Outage in our Region

This is an important notice that a power outage has occurred in our region. According to the Director of Public Security, the issue is being addressed, and the expected return to power in our region will be approximately 8:45pm, tonight April, 14th, 2022.  Water has been restored by Public Works to Listuguj. We will continue to further update  our community as this power outage situation unfolds.

We appreciate your  patience at this time.


Listuguj Police Department Recruitment

The Listuguj Police Department is seeking new recruits to join their team. To submit a resume and to pick up an application, you can contact the LPD at 418-788-2334, or visit the Listuguj Police Department at 3 LNU Street Listuguj, Quebec. See poster for further details.


Traffic Advisory – Residential School Solidarity March

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government would like to advise all motorists that the JC Van Horne Bridge will be closed to all motor vehicle traffic this evening, July 2nd, starting at 5:15 p.m. (Atlantic Time) for the duration of the Residential School Solidarity March. Pedestrian traffic will be permitted.

As we continue to mourn the growing number of children being recovered from Indian Residential School sites across the country, Listugujewaq will march across the JC Van Horne Bridge to join our neighbors from Ugpi’ganjig and Campbellton for a ceremony on Salmon Blvd.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

For more details on the march, please visit:

Open Fire Ban – In or Near the Forest

The SOPFEU fire danger index in our region is currently extreme. Therefore, open fires in or near the forest are currently banned, due to the current conditions. We are asking all community members to please comply with these measures and stay safe.

Lane Reduction on JC Van Horne Bridge

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government wishes to advise motorists that there will be lane reductions on the JC Van Horne Bridge for maintenance work during the following period:

  • From Monday, June 7, 2021, to Sunday, June 20, 2021, from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

During this period, one lane will be kept open at all times in alternating direction. Motorists can expect short delays. These closures will not impact cyclists or pedestrians; one sidewalk will remain open at all times. The schedule may change depending on weather conditions.

We encourage everyone to exercise caution when travelling on the bridge and thank you for your patience.