Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Calls for Moratorium on Shrimp Fishery in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence


Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government calls for moratorium on shrimp fishery in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence

Minister asked to issue additional lobster licenses to offset impact on First Nations and industry

-French version to follow-


December 6, 2023, Listuguj, QC – Shrimp stocks in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence are on the brink of complete collapse. The ecosystem is experiencing major changes caused by climate change. Average water temperatures are at recorded highs. Shrimp landings are at historic lows. The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is calling for a moratorium to protect what few shrimp are left.


“As Mi’gmaq, we are guided by the principle of ango’tmu’q: taking care of something in a careful manner. It would be a violation of ango’tmu’q for us to continue fishing shrimp,” said Scott Martin, Chief of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government. “We will not fish our quota next year, and we call on the Minister to impose a moratorium.”


With water temperatures and predation by other species only expected to increase, northern shrimp stocks in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence are not expected to improve in the foreseeable future. Since northern shrimp plays a key role as a forage species, low abundance of northern shrimp could have negative consequences for other species that depend on them as a food source, like redfish, cod, and halibut. Weak shrimp stocks highlight the vulnerability to climate change of the entire estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence ecosystem.


Diane Lebouthillier, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard, will be meeting with First Nations and industry stake holders in Québec City on December 7 and 8 to discuss the future of the shrimp fishery. At those meetings, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will push for a moratorium.


“We need to be realistic,” said Chief Martin. “Climate change has killed the northern shrimp fishery. That’s the truth. No one wants to be the person who hauls in the last shrimp.”


Not all fisheries are in such a dire state. Lobster stocks, for example, have never been better. Both total landing and catch per unit effort are at all-time highs. All available data indicate that the lobster stocks are healthy.


The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government sees the lobster fishery as presenting an opportunity to mitigate some of the impact of the failing shrimp fishery. It could also be an opportunity for Canada to implement First Nations’ fishing rights under the Peace and Friendship Treaties, which the Supreme Court of Canada upheld in the Marshall decisions. The Minister could do both by issuing new lobster licences and distributing them to First Nations first, in acknowledgement the priority of rights-based fisheries.


“There has never been a better time to open new access to the lobster fishery,” said Chief Martin. “Fisheries management needs to be flexible in response to climate change. Warmer water is changing the ecosystem. The way we fish needs to change too.”


For more information or interviews, please contact:


Victoria Belton
Senior Consultant

Mike Isaac
Communications Manager


Le gouvernement mi’gmaq de Listuguj demande un moratoire sur la pêche à la crevette dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent


La ministre est demandé de délivrer des permis de pêche au homard supplémentaires pour compenser les répercussions sur les Premières Nations et l’industrie.


6 décembre 2023, Listuguj (Québec) – Les stocks de crevettes dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent sont sur le point de s’effondrer complètement. L’écosystème subit des changements majeurs causés par les changements climatiques. En effet, les températures moyennes de l’eau atteignent des sommets records. Les débarquements de crevettes n’ont jamais été aussi bas. Par conséquent, le gouvernement mi’gmaq de Listuguj demande un moratoire pour protéger les quelques crevettes qui restent.


« En tant que Mi’gmaq, nous sommes guidés par le principe d’ango’tmu’q, soit prendre soin de quelque chose avec attention. Il s’agirait d’une violation d’ango’tmu’q de continuer à pêcher la crevette, a déclaré Scott Martin, chef du gouvernement mi’gmaq de Listuguj. Nous n’allons pas pêcher notre quota l’année prochaine, et nous demandons à la ministre d’imposer un moratoire. »


Comme la température de l’eau et la prédation par d’autres espèces ne devraient qu’augmenter, les stocks de crevettes nordiques dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent ne devraient pas s’améliorer dans un avenir prévisible. Comme la crevette nordique joue un rôle clé en tant qu’espèce fourragère, sa faible abondance pourrait avoir des conséquences négatives sur d’autres espèces qui en dépendent comme source de nourriture, comme le sébaste, la morue et le flétan. La faiblesse des stocks de crevettes met en évidence la vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques de l’ensemble de l’écosystème de l’estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent.


Diane Lebouthillier, ministre des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne, rencontrera les Premières Nations et les intervenants de l’industrie à Québec les 7 et 8 décembre pour discuter de l’avenir de la pêche à la crevette. Lors de ces réunions, le gouvernement mi’gmaq de Listuguj réclamera un moratoire.


« Nous devons être réalistes, a déclaré le chef Martin. Les changements climatiques ont tué la pêche à la crevette nordique. Point à la ligne. Personne ne veut être celui qui remonte la dernière crevette. »


Les pêches ne sont pas toutes dans un état aussi désastreux. Les stocks de homard, par exemple, n’ont jamais été meilleurs. Le total des débarquements et les prises par unité d’effort atteint des sommets sans précédent. Toutes les données disponibles indiquent que les stocks de homard sont sains.


Le gouvernement mi’gmaq de Listuguj considère la pêche au homard comme une occasion d’atténuer une partie des répercussions de l’échec de la pêche à la crevette. Ce pourrait aussi être une occasion pour le Canada de mettre en œuvre les droits de pêche des Premières Nations en vertu des traités de paix et d’amitié, que la Cour suprême du Canada a confirmés dans les décisions Marshall. La ministre pourrait faire d’une pierre deux coups en délivrant de nouveaux permis de pêche au homard et en les distribuant d’abord aux Premières Nations, en reconnaissance de la priorité accordée aux pêches fondées sur les droits.


« Il n’y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour ouvrir un nouvel accès à la pêche au homard, a déclaré le chef Martin. La gestion des pêches doit être souple face aux changements climatiques. L’eau plus chaude modifie l’écosystème, et la façon dont nous pêchons doit changer aussi. »


Pour en savoir davantage ou pour obtenir une entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec :


Victoria Belton

Consultante principale

416 997-5179


Mike Isaac

Gestionnaire, Communications

418 788-2136

Federal Court affirms validity of recognition of Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation’s rights and Indigenous laws regarding its fisheries in agreement with Canada


Federal Court affirms validity of recognition of Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation’s rights and Indigenous laws regarding its fisheries in agreement with Canada

Organizations representing non-Indigenous commercial fishers had sought to have recognition declared illegal and invalid


LISTUGUJ, QC October 19, 2023 — The Federal Court of Canada has upheld the recognition of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nations’s rights and Indigenous laws regarding its fisheries provided for in a groundbreaking agreement with Canada. The decision, made public on October 12, 2023, largely dismissed a challenge to the agreement from organizations representing non-Indigenous commercial fishers.

“The court’s decision validates our aboriginal and treaty rights as well as our laws regarding our fisheries,” said Scott Martin, Chief of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government. “I hope that non-Indigenous fishers will now accept that our rights and laws are a constitutional fact. That is the starting point for true reconciliation.”

In April 2021, Canada and Listuguj signed a Rights Reconciliation Agreement on Fisheries (RRA). In the agreement, Canada confirms that Listuguj has a right to fish commercially for a moderate livelihood pursuant to the Peace and Friendship Treaties, as the Supreme Court of Canada recognized in the Marshall decisions. Canada also recognizes that Listuguj has its own Indigenous laws by which it governs its fisheries. The agreement creates a process that helps Listuguj and the DFO coordinate fisheries governance and enforcement.

A group of organizations representing non-Indigenous commercial fishers (the Applicants) applied to the Federal Court for judicial review of the RRA, seeking to have the agreement declared illegal, null, and void. The Applicants included the Regroupement des Pêcheurs Professionels du Sud de la Gaspésie, the Maritime Fishermen’s Union, the Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association, and the Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board. Listuguj brought a motion to have the application thrown out prior to a hearing on the merits. That motion was largely successful.

The Applicants argued the RRA was invalid because Canada could not recognize aboriginal or treaty rights in an agreement before those rights have been declared by a court. The court dismissed this argument, finding that the Crown has an “obligation to seek negotiated solutions to Aboriginal or treaty rights disputes.”


The Applicants also argued that recognition of First Nations’ laws governing the exercise of fishing rights impinges on the Minister’s authorities under the Constitution and the Fisheries Act. Again, the court rejected this argument, finding that “[o]ne aspect of collective Aboriginal or treaty rights is the community’s right to exercise control over how its members exercise that right.”


The court did allow the application to proceed to a hearing on one question: whether Canada ought to have engaged with the Applicants prior to signing the RRA. The judge emphasized, however, “[i]f there is any duty on the Ministers to engage or involve the Applicants in the

negotiation process, it is not in any meaningful respect equivalent to the constitutional duty to consult Aboriginal peoples.”


“We are confident that if this case proceeds, we will prevail,” said Chief Martin. “We have inherent rights to fish and govern ourselves. These rights can no longer be denied.”


The decision makes clear that the interests of Listuguj and non-Indigenous fishers are on a different footing: “The section 35 rights asserted by [Listuguj] and acknowledged in the RRA are worthy of recognition and respect. The interests advanced by the Applicants arise as a matter of license or privilege – and exist at the discretion of the Minister.”


Despite the legal challenge, Listuguj and Canada have cooperated to implement RRA. These efforts have enabled Listuguj to exercise its treaty rights to fish lobster commercially in the fall, assume responsibility for enforcement in its lobster fishery, and, most recently, expand its lobster fishery into waters adjacent to the community that Canada previously considered unregulated.


For more information or interviews, please contact:

Mike Isaac
Communications Manager





Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Expands Fall Lobster Fishery to Area (LFA) 21B, Baie des Chaleurs


Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Expands Fall Lobster Fishery

Fall fishery now includes waters adjacent to the community that Canada previously considered unregulated

-French version to follow-

LISTUGUJ, QC Sept. 28, 2023 /CNW/ – Every fall, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation (Listuguj) exercises its Peace and Friendship Treaties rights by fishing lobster. This fall, the fishery is growing. For the past 20 years, Listuguj has fished Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 21B, in the Baie des Chaleurs. Starting on September 30Listuguj will also begin fishing further west, in waters adjacent to the community that, until now, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) considered unregulated.

“Reconciliation requires increasing First Nations’ access to resources,” said Scott Martin, Chief of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government. “This new community fishery is a step in the right direction. It means approximately a dozen more families will have a chance to get out on the water, exercise their rights, and support themselves.”

For generations, Canada denied Listuguj’s treaty rights. In 2021, Listuguj and Canada signed a rights reconciliation agreement that requires the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to respect Listuguj’s treaty rights and acknowledge Listuguj’s Indigenous laws in fisheries.

Listuguj governs its lobster fishery with its own law—the Listuguj Lobster Law. The fishery is monitored by the community’s own enforcement agency—the Mi’gmaq Rangers. Fisheries governance and enforcement are coordinated with the DFO through the process established by the rights reconciliation agreement.

This year, the Listuguj’s fall lobster fishery is expanding. In addition to Listuguj’s usual two-week fishery in LFA 21B, a small-scale community fishery will take place in the waters west of LFA 21B, north of the QuebecNew Brunswick border, and east of the J.C. Van Horne Bridge at the mouth of the Restigouche River. Designated community members will fish using up to five traps in small boats registered as pleasure craft. In keeping with their treaty right to fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood, community members will be able to decide for themselves how to use their catch—whether for food, social, ceremonial, or commercial purposes.

To receive the new licence, Listuguj developed a conservation harvesting plan for the expanded fishery under the Listuguj Lobster Law. Then, in collaboration with the DFO, it was agreed that Canada would sanction the fishery with an experimental licence for the new area issued under the Fisheries Act. As well, Listuguj and the DFO reviewed their enforcement protocol to ensure coordination between the Mi’gmaq Rangers and the DFO’s fisheries officers.

“Conservation is paramount,” said Chief Martin. “And so is ensuring that First Nations get their fair share of the fishery. That means we need to find creative ways to increase access. Our fall fishery is a leading example of how that can be done.”

The lobster population in the Gaspé region is healthy, with record landings being reported.

Listuguj’s new fall lobster fishery will run from September 30 to October 14, 2023.

For more information or interviews, please contact:

Victoria Belton
Senior Consultant

Mike Isaac
Communications Manager

La Première Nation Mi’gmaq de Listuguj agrandit son territoire pour la pêche au homard automnale

Le territoire de pêche automnale comprend maintenant les eaux adjacentes à la communauté, que le Canada considérait auparavant comme non réglementées.

Listuguj, Québec, 28 septembre 2023 – Chaque automne, la Première Nation Mi’gmaq de Listuguj (« Listuguj ») exerce son droit de pêcher en vertu de traités de paix et d’amitié. Cet automne, la zone de pêche s’agrandit. Depuis 20 ans, Listuguj pêche dans la zone de pêche du homard (ZPH) 21B, dans la Baie des Chaleurs. À compter du 30 septembre, Listuguj pourra également pêcher plus à l’ouest, dans les eaux adjacentes à la communauté qui, jusqu’à maintenant, n’étaient considerées comme pas réglementées par le ministère des Pêches et des Océans (MPO).

« La réconciliation exige un accès accru des Premières Nations aux ressources », a déclaré Scott Martin, Chef du Gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj. « Cette nouvelle possibilité de pêche communautaire est un pas dans la bonne direction. Cela signifie qu’environ une douzaine autres familles auront la chance de se rendre sur l’eau, d’exercer leurs droits et de subvenir à leurs besoins. »

Pendant des générations, le Canada a nié les droits issus de traités de Listuguj. En 2021, Listuguj et le Canada ont signé une entente de réconciliation des droits en vertu de laquelle le ministre des Pêches et des Océans doit respecter les droits issus de traités de Listuguj et reconnaitre les lois autochtones de cette Première Nation dans le domaine de la pêche.

Listuguj dispose de sa propre loi qui régit ses activités de pêche au homard, la Listuguj Lobster Law. La pêche est surveillée par l’organisme d’application de la loi de la communauté, les Rangers Mi’gmaq. La gouvernance des pêches et l’application de la loi sont coordonnées avec le MPO dans le cadre du processus établi par l’entente de réconciliation des droits.

Cette année, la pêche au homard automnale de Listuguj est en pleine expansion. En plus de la période de pêche habituelle de deux semaines de Listuguj dans la ZPH 21B, des activités de pêche communautaire à petite échelle auront lieu dans les eaux à l’ouest de la ZPH 21B, au nord de la frontière du Québec et du Nouveau-Brunswick, et à l’est du pont J.C. Van Horne à l’embouchure de la rivière Restigouche. Certains membres désignés de la communauté pêcheront en utilisant jusqu’à cinq casiers au moyen d’embarcations de plaisance. Conformément à leurs droits issus de traités de pêcher pour en tirer une subsistance convenable, les membres de la communauté pourront décider eux-mêmes comment utiliser leurs prises, que ce soit à des fins alimentaires, sociales, rituelles ou commerciales.

Pour obtenir le nouveau permis, Listuguj a élaboré un plan de pêche axé sur la conservation pour la croissance de ses activités de pêche en vertu de la Listuguj Lobster Law. Ensuite, en collaboration avec le MPO, il a été décidé que le Canada autoriserait la pêche au moyen d’un permis expérimental pour la nouvelle zone en vertu de la Loi sur les pêches. De plus, Listuguj et le MPO ont revu leur protocole d’application de la loi pour assurer la coordination entre les Rangers Mi’gmaq et les agents des pêches du MPO.

« La conservation est primordiale », a déclaré le chef Scott Martin. « Comme il est tout aussi important de veiller à ce que les Premières Nations obtiennent leur juste part des activités de la pêche. Cela veut dire que nous devons trouver des façons créatives d’accroître l’accès. Notre pêche automnale est un excellent exemple de la façon d’y parvenir. »

La population de homard de la Gaspésie est en bonne santé, avec des débarquements records.

La nouvelle période de pêche au homard automnale de Listuguj se déroulera du 30 septembre au 14 octobre 2023.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :

Victoria Belton
Conseillère principale
416 997-5179

Mike Isaac
Gestionnaire, Communications
418 788-2136

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Press Release – TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU

LISTUGUJ, QC: The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is aware of two articles that have recently been published by journalists at TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU. The articles are titled:

  • Listuguj: elle abandonne ses bambins pour aller faire la fête (Listuguj: she abandons her toddlers to go party) written by Patrick Giguere.
  • Listuguj : la parade de Noël remise à lundi soir pour des raisons nébuleuses (Listuguj: the Christmas parade postponed to Monday evening for nebulous reasons) written by Louis-Philippe Morin.


The two articles listed above were produced without the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government’s knowledge and were written with very little factual information from reputable sources in the community.  The information presented in these articles was a mixture of comments from non-community members and rumors found on social media and contains no plausible research. We thrive on honesty and respect in Listuguj, which neither of these articles depicts.


One of the articles mentioned above was initially published identifying the subject’s ethnic origin, and accessorily, of the children. This is racist, unacceptable, and contrary to the Charter of Rights.


The articles that have been published by TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU have been painting Listuguj in a negative light through unprofessional tactics.  We would expect the media to hold themselves to higher standards than what Listuguj has been receiving as of late from this media outlet.


We have also reached out to other First Nations communities who deal with TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU and their experience is similar to ours.


“I have had issues with a reporter whom works for CHAU TV, the reporter is very quick on getting negative news out to the general population and shows up within the community without going through the proper channels. He will often report false information…” – Director of Communications for Gesgapegiag.


“When things like this happen, it makes maintaining a positive working relationship with media very difficult.  We hope that moving forward we will see a better quality of reporting when it comes to Listuguj” – Chief Scott Martin


At this time, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is asking that representatives and journalists from TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU respect the community and work to retrieve credible information on incidents with permission from our Executive Office, Chief, and Council. The community would also appreciate an apology from this media outlet, regarding the painful, untrustworthy articles that were produced.  If this request is not followed by TVA Nouvelles CIMT CHAU, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will consider its options of making formal complaints.

Listuguj Together with 21 First Nations Communities in Quebec and the Government of Canada Sign Historic Education Agreement


(Delegation of Chiefs and Youth Delegates – Advancing First Nations Control of First Nations Education)




Listuguj, together with 21 First Nations Communities in Quebec, Attend Official Signing Ceremony of the Regional Education Agreement


July 15, 2022 by Dr. Amy Chamberlin – Research Associate, LETE Governance

July 14, 2022 (Kahnawà:ke, Quebec) Listuguj, together with 21 First Nations Communities in Quebec and the First Nations Education Council (FNEC), signed a Regional Education Agreement (REA) with Canada strengthening and advancing First Nations Control of First Nations Education for children and youth, from kindergarten to Grade 12. The signing ceremony took place on Kahnawà:ke territory at the Kahnawake Survival School.

Built in the spirit of reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and Canada, this regional agreement is intended to make certain that Indigenous learners have access to education that meets their needs and goals and reflects their respective worldviews and values while respecting the principle of First Nations Control of First Nations Education. (

“This is the action of reconciliation. The Agreement means that First Nations will lead the education of their children. It means that First Nations will ensure that culture, language, and identity are at the core of everything. It means that First Nations will have the resources that they need to hire and retain teachers and educators that will combine 21st century culture and technology with the historic culture and technology that is still alive today. This agreement has been designed by and for First Nations. This is a new reality in this country: Indigenous leadership, self-determination, true Nation-to-Nation relationships,” Indigenous Services Patty Hajdu said in the press conference.

The federal government, through Indigenous Services Canada, will provide 1.1 billion dollars in funding over five years. The federal government will provide an additional 310 million from Budget 2022, and 790 million will be transferred using existing funding structures.

“For communities, the funding provides for flexibility; we can set our own priorities and goals. The funding is sufficient, allowing each of us to take on First Nations Control of First Nations education,” said Chief Darcy Gray.

The result of 10 years of collective work, the agreement is based on a funding formula designed by and for First Nations members of the FNEC. The agreement will allow for:

  • Culturally relevant curriculum
  • Improved student success (academic outcomes).
  • Recruitment and retention of staff (teachers and specialized resources)
  • Increased student retention and high school graduation rates
  • Integrating technology into the classroom
  • Adequate funding for bus transportation

(Chief Darcy Gray signing collective agreement alongside Denis Gros Louis, FNEC Director General)

“This agreement is positive step forward in terms of reconciliation. Gives us the capacity in our communities to start bringing services that are equitable and comparable to provincial levels services. But also, more importantly, in terms of capacity to provide us with the tools to begin the decolonization of our education systems,” Chief John Martin of Gesgapegiag and representative of the Chiefs for the FNEC.

The agreement offers potential for transformation in the areas of curriculum, language, and Indigenizing the curriculum of the programs in First Nations schools. The signing ceremony marked a milestone in the renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canada and in the realization of Indigenous peoples’ rights to determine their respective pathways in education.

For more information, please contact Michael Isaac, Communications Manager, at 418-788-2136 or

Canada Recognizes Listuguj’s Laws and Authority in Fisheries Governance





The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government and Canada have reached an unprecedented step in our evolving relationship through a Rights Reconciliation Agreement on Fisheries.


On June 17, 2019, the LMG enacted the Listuguj Lobster Law following two years of community consultation, engagement, and guidance. The Listuguj Lobster Law is based, in part, on the Salmon Fishing Law, its principles and process. The enactment of the Listuguj Lobster Law sparked renewed negotiations with Canada. These negotiations sought to create a rights-based agreement on fisheries, with our Mi’gmaq understandings and beliefs, and recognition of our laws, poised at the centre.

The five-year Rights and Reconciliation Agreement on Fisheries was agreed to by LMG on March 24, 2021 and will be approved and signed by Canada in the coming weeks. In the Agreement, Canada recognizes the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation’s fisheries governance and fishing rights. The Agreement also recognizes the mechanisms, including our Mi’gmaq Laws, by which the LMG governs and manages its fisheries.

For the first time, Canada has formally recognized our sacred, inherent responsibility for the stewardship of the land, waters, and living things of Gespe’gewa’gi. As the basis for this Agreement, Canada has also accepted that the recognition of our inherent jurisdiction, legal orders, and laws is the starting point for discussions between the federal government and the LMG.

“We firmly followed the mandate we received from Listugujewaq to assume control over our Fishery Governance. With this Agreement, we leave in the past a model where we were managing DFO’s regulations for a renewed relationship premised on recognition of our laws governing our rights in our territory,” said Saqamaw Darcy Gray. “Because of Listuguj’s strong tradition of exercising our jurisdiction by adopting our own laws, Canada was receptive and accepted to move forward with us adopting the Reconciliation spirit that has helped to shape this Agreement. Our community will benefit from this Agreement, and we will recover our inherent jurisdictional rights on Gespe’gewa’gi,” he concluded.

The five-year Agreement was endorsed unanimously by Chief and Council, and it sets the base for a better relationship with Canada and DFO on Rights Recognition, Fisheries Access, Fisheries Funding, and provides a framework for LMG Fisheries Governance & Collaborative Management.

“This Agreement will allow us to plan and implement our seasons with some certainty that DFO will not unjustifiably infringe on Mi’gmaq fisheries governance and our fishing rights. We will also gain increased access to fisheries resources whether for food, social, ceremonial, or commercial purposes, funds for capacity building on fisheries governance, obtain fisheries access, which could include licenses and/or quota as well as vessels and gear,” said Dr. Fred Metallic, Natural Resources Director, member of fisheries negotiation team on behalf of LMG.

LMG remains committed to making certain that our rights, responsibilities, and full authority over our fisheries are upheld. If required, there is nothing in this Agreement that prohibits the LMG from initiating or supporting legal proceedings against Canada concerning any alleged breach of this Agreement by Canada, including action by Canada that fails to fulfill the duty to consult and accommodate or unjustifiably infringes our Aboriginal or Treaty Rights. The Agreement reflects our laws, and LMG will continue to protect and fight for Mi’gmaq rights and responsibilities, on the water and at the table with government. As part of the Agreement, discussions between LMG and Canada will continue. In concrete terms, upon signing this Agreement the LMG and Canada will form a Co-Governance Fisheries Committee to facilitate collaborative assessment, planning, and management in relation to the LMG’s Fishery.

Once finalized, the full agreement will be made available on the LMG website.

For more information, please contact Hilary Barnaby, Communications Manager, at 418-788-2136 or


Minister Jordan puts electoral politics ahead of reconciliation, says Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government



Minister Jordan puts electoral politics ahead of reconciliation, says Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

Refusal to discuss adjusting fishing seasons more about maintaining status quo than science

March 5, 2021, Listuguj, QC Late on Wednesday, March 3, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, issued a statement on what she called a “new path” for First Nations who benefit from the treaty right to fish for a moderate livelihood confirmed by the Supreme Court in Marshall. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (“DFO”) now says it will negotiate moderate livelihood fishing plans with individual First Nations, but that existing fishing seasons will not change, and new access will only be available through buybacks of existing licences from willing non-Indigenous sellers.

“This so-called new path is just the DFO’s old way of doing things,” said Chief Darcy Gray of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government. “We agree that conservation is paramount and that an orderly fishery is essential, but where is the discussion if the DFO has already decided on effort and seasons? We are prepared to have a facts-based discussion to find innovative ways of exercising our treaty right while keeping stocks healthy. The Minister’s announcement doesn’t make that possible.”

Listuguj conducts its lobster fishery in the Bay of Chaleur, off the south coast of the Gaspé Peninsula. The DFO allows commercial lobster fishing in this area every spring. The DFO also permits Listuguj to fish lobster for food in this area every fall but prohibits Listuguj from selling any of its fall catch. Listuguj has filed an application in Federal Court arguing that the DFO’s refusal to permit the sale of lobster in the fall violates its treaty right. The so-called “new path” announced by the Minister will do nothing to resolve this dispute.

The DFO’s refusal to allow Listuguj to sell lobster in the fall has nothing to do with conservation. Listuguj has a community law and fishing plan that keep its fall fishing effort within the DFO guidelines. The community also imposes its own conservation measures beyond what the DFO asks for, including dockside monitoring. With the Minister’s announcement, the prohibition on commercial lobster fishing by Listuguj in the fall will continue without explanation.

“It is important to understand that conservation concerns and community needs vary from place to place,” explained Chief Gray. “The situation in the Bay of Chaleur is different from the situation in Saint Mary’s Bay or Saint Peter’s Bay. There is no one size fits all solution. We want to sit down and work out a solution that fits our circumstances, respects the science, and respects our rights. The Minister is unwilling to have that conversation. It’s the same old colonial attitude.”

“I think the Minister’s announcement was meant as a message to the non-Indigenous industry saying not to worry, that things are going to stay just the way they are,” said Chief Gray. “It’s another example of electoral politics coming before reconciliation.”

For more information, please contact Hilary Barnaby, Communications Manager, at 418-788-2136 or

LMG says systemic racism from Department of Fisheries and Oceans blocking the First Nation’s right to sell fall lobster




Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government says systemic racism from Department of Fisheries and Oceans blocking the First Nation’s right to sell fall lobster


LISTUGUJ, QCSeptember 21, 2020 On Sunday, September 20, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (“LMG”) began its fall lobster fishery. The catch will be used to provide for the community’s needs, with most distributed to community members for food and the rest sold to finance fisheries operations and community initiatives to support economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19. Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), however, will issue a licence prohibiting the sale of lobster caught by the LMG this fall, restricting its use to food, social, and ceremonial purposes. This goes against the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1999 decision in Marshall, which confirmed that the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1760-61 protect the right of Mi’gmaq communities to fish and sell fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood.

Canada tells us repeatedly that they acknowledge our treaty right to sell fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood,” said Darcy Gray, Chief of the LMG. “But, as an institution, the DFO won’t change how it operatesto allow us to sell the lobster we catch every fall. Instead, they criminalize us for exercising our rights. That is systemic racism. It continues year after year.”

The LMG conducts its lobster fishery in the community’s traditional territory – referred to as Gespe’gewa’gi – in the Bay of Chaleur, off the southern coast of the Gaspé Peninsula. The DFO allows commercial lobster fishing in this area every spring. The DFO has also permitted the LMG to conduct a food fishery for lobster in this area every fall for the past 21 years, since the Marshall decision. This fall, despite a prohibition on sale in the licence the DFO will grant, the LMG will sell some of its catch.

“The Minister says that implementing the Marshall decision is a priority. Well, I requested a meeting with the Minister to discuss our lobster fishery in July and never received a reply,” said Chief Gray. “The Minister says that this issue is best addressed through negotiations. Well, we have been negotiating in good faith for years, but out on the water nothing has changed. The Minister says that a sound management framework is necessary for the conservation of fish stocks. We agree, and we have developed our own management framework that meets and exceeds the DFO’s requirements. Frankly, the Minister is running out of excuses, and we are running out of patience.”

The DFO manages the lobster fishery by restricting fishing effort, which refers to the number of days fishing is permitted and the number of traps that can be used.

“We have adopted a community law and fishing plan that will keep our fall fishing effort within the DFO guidelines,” said Alfred Metallic, the LMG’s Director of Natural Resources. “We have also imposed heightened conservation measures on ourselves beyond what the DFO has asked for – including dockside monitoring – to ensure we do not exceed the maximum allowable effort. We are taking every precaution to ensure that our fishery remains sustainable.”

Because the LMG will not be fishing more this fall than it has in previous years, the sale of a portion of the lobster landed this season will not impact the health of the lobster stocks or the availability of lobster for other resource users.

For the past several years, the LMG has been negotiating with the DFO, asking for a licence allowing it to sell some of the lobster it would otherwise catch in the fall for food. Although some aspects of these negotiations continue to be productive, the DFO has consistently refused to allow the sale of lobster caught in the fall. The LMG remains engaged in the negotiation process but sees no reason to accept the DFO’s repeated violations of its treaty right.

“It comes down to the rule of law,” said Chief Gray. “The DFO must uphold the law by respecting our treaty right and implementing the Marshall decision. The DFO is not entitled to ignore our rights while we negotiate a new agreement. We have an agreement. It’s in the Peace and Friendship Treaties. The DFO’s willingness to violate its legal obligations to Mi’gmaq people year after year is deeply troubling.”

The LMG emphasized that it would prefer to operate its fall fishery in cooperation with the DFO, but that will require the DFO to issue a fishing licence with conditions that respect its treaty right, community laws, and fishing plan.

The LMG said this year the importance of the fall fishery is increased with the unprecedented economic pressures caused by COVID-19.

“All we want to do is sell some of the lobster we would otherwise eat to offset operational costs and support our community,” said Sky Metallic, a councillor with the LMG. “We are not taking money out of anyone’s pocket, and we are not asking for a handout. We are exercising our treaty right to support ourselves and yet the DFO continues to try to block us.”

The LMG expressed its support for Mi’gmaq communities in Nova Scotia exercising their right to sell lobster under the Peace and Friendship Treaties and conducting fall fisheries governed by their own laws and fishing plans.

“It has been 260 years since our treaties were signed,” said Councillor Metallic. “It has been 21 years since the Marshall decision. We have waited long enough. If the DFO won’t provide a regulatory framework that allows us to exercise our rights, then we can do that for ourselves.”

Last year, the DFO also denied the LMG a licence permitting the sale of lobster caught in the fall. The LMG has sought a judicial review of that decision in Federal Court. That case is ongoing.


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For further information: please contact Hilary Barnaby, Communications Manager, at 418-788-2136 or

Listuguj Promotes Peaceful Dialogue


For immediate release


Listuguj Promotes Peaceful Dialogue


(Listuguj, Gespe’gewa’gi – February 26, 2020) — The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) wishes to advise the community that the Procureure générale du Québec (PGQ) has taken out a provisional injunction in an attempt to dismantle the solidarity action taking place at the rail line at the start of Gospem Road located within Listuguj Lands.

The LMG is disheartened that the PGQ sought an injunction without prior attempt to engage or communicate with our community to resolve this issue. The injunction was unnecessary and not conducive towards reconciling this issue in a peaceful manner. Further concerns remain as the injunction was not served in accordance with the protocols of the Listuguj Police Department (LPD).

At this point in time, peaceful protestors remain at the rail line and their physical safety remains a priority for the LMG. Let it be known that the LMG has no intention of forcefully removing peaceful protestors from the rail line. We respect their right to peacefully protest and will continue to ensure their physical safety.

“As N’nu’g we have a collective responsibility to protect the land and our relations. The LMG is open to facilitating discussions towards a peaceful resolution. We remain hopeful that solutions can be reached through respectful dialogue,” Chief Darcy Gray.



For more information, please contact:

Hilary Barnaby, Acting Communications Manager


Bring Starr Smith Home


For Immediate Release


Wagmatcook, NS – Concerned family, friends, and the community of Wagmatcook ask for your help locating Starr Smith.

Starr Smith, Wagmatcook First Nation

She was last seen January 25th, 2020 in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, traveling with Michael “Mike” O’Neil, who is originally from Saint Stephen New Brunswick. She has not had any contact with family or friends since, which is extremely out of character for her. O’Neil’s criminal history has family very concerned for Starr’s safety. He was last confirmed to be in St. Andrew’s, New Brunswick on January 29th and is driving a stolen vehicle (Jeep Grand Cherokee, black in colour) from Wagmatcook.

“This is not like Starr to have no contact with us” says sister of Starr, Sunnie Smith. “If she is seeing or hearing this, we want her to know we love her and want her to come home.”

“The entire community is terribly worried for her safety, and wish for her safe return as soon as possible,” said Chief of Wagmatcook First Nation Norman Bernard.

Starr is described as 5’3” tall, 250 pounds with brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. Identifying features: Black glasses, 2 nose rings (stud and septum), multiple tattoos. Tattoos easily seen: Moon on index finger, Dove on wrist, Flower on arm, two holding hands on arm, mind over matter on arm.

Please share this information on social media with the hashtag #bringStarrSmithhome, and please report any sightings of her to the RCMP immediately.


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Media Contact: Sunnie Francis Smith

Mobile: 902.304.8874