The LMG is reviewing the way it governs and manages the Listuguj salmon fishery. In terms of governance, the LMG will review the laws, policies, regulations, and vision for the Listuguj salmon fishery. For the management of the fishery, the LMG will look at the specific Mi’gmaq harvesting practices (fishing season, harvesting techniques, and where Lis- tuguj members fish). There is a need to understand the fishery from our perspective as Mi’gmaq, including the cultural, spiritual, ceremonial and economic aspects.
The Salmon Management Project has been underway since December 2011. The LMG has held a total of three public meetings, as well as meetings with the Elders’ Council and fishers. These meetings were held so that LMG could share information about the project, and also receive guidance from community members about the work. Dr. Fred Metallic was hired to lead this work. At this stage, the goal is to update the harvesting component of the Salmon Fishery in time for the June 2012 salmon season.
Recently, on March 28, Chief and Council passed an Order-In-Council, approving the creation of a volun- teer Salmon Fishery Advisory Committee, which will advise on the development of an updated salmon man- agement plan for the Listuguj river system. This com- mittee brings together community members, technical advisors, resource people, Elders, youth and leadership. Working collaboratively, this committee will act in the capacity of advisors to the Chief and Council.
In 1995, Listuguj enacted the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation Law on Fisheries and Fishing. Through this law, we asserted our inherent right to harvest and manage the salmon fishery within our territorial waters.
Today we are updating our plans for the salmon fishery, we need to recognize and respect our Aboriginal and Treaty Rights to harvest and manage the salmon. As stated by the Elders at a community meeting, “We need to be aware of what the community’s vision is for the fishery. We need to take into account the health of the salmon – so that future generations will continue to benefit from the salmon fishery.”
Members of the Salmon Fishery Advisory Committee
- Chief Allison Metallic
- Brenda Gideon Miller, LMG Council Liaison
- Dean Vicaire, LMG Council Liaison
- Kevin Methot, LMG Council Liaison/ Active Fisherman
- Delphine Metallic, LMG Council Liaison
- Loni Vicaire, LMG Administrative Assist.
- Joe Wilmot, LMG Education
- William Moffat, Listuguj Police Department
- Isaac Metallic, Elder/Active Fisher
- Madeleine G. Dovauo, Elder
- Peter Metallic, Listuguj Rangers
- Pamela Isaac, LMG Scientific Research
- Harvey Martin, LMG Police/Active Fisher
- Serge Gray, Youth/Active Fisher
- Francis Sorbey, LMG Scientific Research/ Active Fisher
- Tim Dedam, LMG Technical Advisor/ Active Fisherman
For more information contact: Loni Vicaire, Administrative Support, Tel.: 418 788-2136
Project – Salmon Management Plan
The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG) mandated a review of the Listuguj salmon fishery with the long-term goal of developing an updated salmon management plan for the Restigouche River (estuary and watershed).
As part of phase one of this project, Chief and Council recommended that a ‘Salmon Fishery Advisory Committee’ be established to assist and guide the development of the updated salmon management plan (harvesting component).
The LMG has hosted several information sessions where community members were invited to be part of the Salmon Fisheries Advisory Committee (SFAC). The SFCA will bring together youth, Elders and fishers to participate and contribute to the development of the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan.
The role of the SFAC is to ensure that community concerns about the salmon fishery are addressed in the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan. Secondly, the role of the SFAC is to ensure that Mi’gmaq perspectives (traditions, protocols and processes) are integrated in the harvesting component of the Salmon Management Plan.
Currently, the Listuguj fishery is managed in accordance with the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation Law on Fisheries and Fishing, which is generally referred to as the “Listuguj Salmon Law”.