LMG Invitation to Bid – 2024 Boat Rental for Snow Crab

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

Natural Resource Directorate



Boat Rental for Fishing Zone 12 Snow Crab – 2024 Season

<Click here for Rental Bid Form>

February 1, 2024 8:30am EST
February 29, 2024 4:30pm EST

To Whom It May Concern:

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will be accepting bid proposals for “Boat Rental for Fishing Snow Crab” for the upcoming 2024 Snow Crab season in Area 12. The purpose of this project is to secure “Boat Rentals of Snow Crab Quota”. The key project tasks and components include 1) Fishing quota and 2) landing at agreed upon ports.

Please Consider the Following:

  • Bids received after the bid closing date and time listed above will not be accepted.
  • Successful bidders will be required to sign a contract with the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government.
  • The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will supply tags to successful bidders.
  • All bids received by the aforementioned deadline shall be reviewed by LMG Director of Natural Resources. You are reminded to bid only on the items designated in the work form. All additional items and tasks will be considered separately from the base bid, should the owner request additional work or delete any tasks from the original scope of work.
  • LMG has the right to reject any and all bids at their discretion.

If you are at all interested in submitting a bid, please complete the online form in the provided link above. Please complete all required fields.

If selected, you will receive a Bid Award Notice, which will advise the contractor of the date, time, and location of the project kickoff that must take place before work can start. After the kickoff, LMG will issue a Notice to Proceed.

Thank you for your time and your consideration of this Invitation to Bid. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fisheries Coordinator, Rachel Barnaby, at 418-788-3022 or by email at rachel.barnaby@listuguj.ca.


Fred Metallic

Director of Natural Resources

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government





Location de bateau pour la pêche du crabe des neiges dans la Zone 12 – Saison 2024
Soumettre votre soumission ici: Numéro de soumission
<Cliquez ici pour le formulaire d’offre de location> 2024-01
Date d’ouverture des soumissions Heure
01 février, 204 9:00am EST
Date de clôture des soumissions Heure
29 fevrier, 2024 4:30pm EST

Madame, Monsieur,

Le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj (LMG) va accepter des propositions de soumission pour la “location de bateaux pour la pêche au crabe des neiges” pour la prochaine saison de pêche au crabe des neiges 2024 dans la zone 12. Le but de ce projet est d’obtenir un quota de “Location de bateaux pour la pêche au crabe des neiges”. Les principales tâches et éléments du projet comprennent 1) le quota de pêche et 2) le débarquement dans les ports convenus.

Veuillez considérer ce qui suit :

  • Les soumissions reçues après la date et l’heure de clôture des soumissions indiquées ci-dessus ne seront pas acceptées.
  • Les soumissionnaires retenus devront signer un contrat avec le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj.
  • Le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj fournira des étiquettes aux soumissionnaires retenus.
  • Toutes les soumissions reçues dans le délai susmentionné seront examinées par le directeur des ressources naturelles du LMG. Nous vous rappelons de ne faire des offres que sur les éléments désignés dans le formulaire de travail. Tous les éléments et tâches supplémentaires seront considérés séparément de l’offre de base, si le propriétaire demande des travaux supplémentaires ou supprime des tâches de l’étendue originale des travaux.
  • LMG se réserve le droit de rejeter n’importe laquelle de ces offres à sa discrétion.

Si vous souhaitez soumettre une offre, veuillez remplir le formulaire en ligne en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessus. Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires.

Si vous êtes sélectionné, vous recevrez un avis d’attribution de marché, qui informera le contractant de la date, de l’heure et du lieu du lancement du projet qui doit avoir lieu avant le début des travaux. Après le lancement, le LMG enverra un avis de procédure.

Merci de votre temps et de votre considération pour cette Invitation à soumissionner. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez contacter le coordinateur des pêches, Rachel Barnaby, au 418-788-3022, ou par courriel, rachel.barnaby@listuguj.ca.


Fred Metallic

Directeur des ressources naturelles

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

LMG Invitation to Bid – 2023 Boat Rental for Snow Crab

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

Natural Resource Directorate



Boat Rental for Fishing Zone 12 Snow Crab – 2023 Season

<Click here for Rental Bid Form>

February 13th, 2023 8:30am EST
March 9, 2023 4:30pm EST

To Whom It May Concern:

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will be accepting bid proposals for “Boat Rental for Fishing Snow Crab” for the upcoming 2023 Snow Crab season in Area 12. The purpose of this project is to secure “Boat Rentals of Snow Crab Quota”. The key project tasks and components include 1) Fishing quota and 2) landing at agreed upon ports.

Please Consider the Following:

  • Bids received after the bid closing date and time listed above will not be accepted.
  • Successful bidders will be required to sign a contract with the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government.
  • The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government will supply tags to successful bidders.
  • All bids received by the aforementioned deadline shall be reviewed by LMG Director of Natural Resources. You are reminded to bid only on the items designated in the work form. All additional items and tasks will be considered separately from the base bid, should the owner request additional work or delete any tasks from the original scope of work.
  • LMG has the right to reject any and all bids at their discretion.

If you are at all interested in submitting a bid, please complete the online form in the provided link above. Please complete all required fields.

If selected, you will receive a Bid Award Notice, which will advise the contractor of the date, time, and location of the project kickoff that must take place before work can start. After the kickoff, LMG will issue a Notice to Proceed.

Thank you for your time and your consideration of this Invitation to Bid. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fisheries Coordinator, James Metallic-Sloan, at 418-788-3022 or by email at james.metallicsloan@listuguj.ca.


Fred Metallic

Director of Natural Resources

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government





Location de bateau pour la pêche du crabe des neiges dans la Zone 12 – Saison 2023
Soumettre votre soumission ici: Numéro de soumission
<Cliquez ici pour le formulaire d’offre de location> 2022-01
Date d’ouverture des soumissions Heure
13 février, 2023 9:00am EST
Date de clôture des soumissions Heure
9 mars, 2022 4:30pm EST

Madame, Monsieur,

Le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj (LMG) va accepter des propositions de soumission pour la “location de bateaux pour la pêche au crabe des neiges” pour la prochaine saison de pêche au crabe des neiges 2023 dans la zone 12. Le but de ce projet est d’obtenir un quota de “Location de bateaux pour la pêche au crabe des neiges”. Les principales tâches et éléments du projet comprennent 1) le quota de pêche et 2) le débarquement dans les ports convenus.

Veuillez considérer ce qui suit :

  • Les soumissions reçues après la date et l’heure de clôture des soumissions indiquées ci-dessus ne seront pas acceptées.
  • Les soumissionnaires retenus devront signer un contrat avec le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj.
  • Le gouvernement Mi’gmaq de Listuguj fournira des étiquettes aux soumissionnaires retenus.
  • Toutes les soumissions reçues dans le délai susmentionné seront examinées par le directeur des ressources naturelles du LMG. Nous vous rappelons de ne faire des offres que sur les éléments désignés dans le formulaire de travail. Tous les éléments et tâches supplémentaires seront considérés séparément de l’offre de base, si le propriétaire demande des travaux supplémentaires ou supprime des tâches de l’étendue originale des travaux.
  • LMG se réserve le droit de rejeter n’importe laquelle de ces offres à sa discrétion.

Si vous souhaitez soumettre une offre, veuillez remplir le formulaire en ligne en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessus. Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires.

Si vous êtes sélectionné, vous recevrez un avis d’attribution de marché, qui informera le contractant de la date, de l’heure et du lieu du lancement du projet qui doit avoir lieu avant le début des travaux. Après le lancement, le LMG enverra un avis de procédure.

Merci de votre temps et de votre considération pour cette Invitation à soumissionner. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez contacter le coordinateur des pêches, James Metallic-Sloan, au 418-788-3022, ou par courriel, james.metallicsloan@listuguj.ca.


Fred Metallic

Directeur des ressources naturelles

Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

Healthy Breakfast

There will be a Healthy Breakfast tomorrow at the Elder’s Lodge starting at 8:30AM.

Independent Inquiry Confirms that Suspension of Councillor was Justified

An independent inquiry confirms that the Chief and Council’s suspension of Councillor Cathy Martin on November 7, 2017 was justified and appropriate.

Having conducted a thorough investigation of the relevant factual context that led to the councillor’s suspension, the independent investigator concluded that:

  • The Code of Conduct was properly applied;
  • The rules of procedural fairness have been followed appropriately;
  • The penalty imposed was justified; and,
  • The three month suspension and its terms were appropriate though on the high end.

Please see below a letter from the Sûreté du Québec.  The major crime unit in Chandler investigated the  file.  They came to the conclusion that there was no criminal offense.  Therefore, the file will be closed.

Click the following link to view a translated letter from the Major Crimes Unit in Chandler

Click the following link to view the original letter from the Major Crimes Unit in Chandler

Black Bear Program

Black Bear Course – for Ages 17-19  Designed for Indigenous youth living in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Nunavut or North Eastern Ontario

A unique summer employment program that combines Aboriginal culture and teachings with basic military training.

Apply on line www.forces.ca  or email  blackbear@forces.gc.ca for more information

Message from Chief Darcy Gray



Good day,

On behalf of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government, I wish to speak to you on some important issues that affect our community. Recently, we faced some conflicts within our council and I wish to reassure you that this is being dealt with. The main objective is restoring unity in our council, for the best interest of our community as a whole. The LMG is committed to resolving effectively and sensitively, any existing issue within the Council that may hinder the Council’s duties to serve the people.

One topic that has come up on this matter is the Code of Conduct, and I want to take this opportunity to elaborate on this policy. The purpose of this policy is to maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between Chief and Council and the Listuguj Members. The Council’s desire is to serve the Members fairly and efficiently. Accordingly, the Council is determined to establish an effective and respectful working relationship among each other and with the Membership.

The Council’s decision for a suspension was solely based on a breach of the code of conduct which could have affected the reputation of the community and the hardworking staff at LMG who have contributed significantly to a beneficial economic opportunity for the prosperity and economy for our community. I will not get into details today on the conflict related to the suspension of a council member but I will acknowledge that this council member has publicly expressed disagreement with the decision.

I have sent this Council member a letter with an offer to consider solutions, including a request for the appeal and redress process outlined in the policy, or, should this not be satisfactory, an alternative path which could involve the request of an independent inquiry. The Council member has accepted my invitation, she does not wish to use the procedure outlined in the code. She is open to a conflict resolution and proposes instead to use the restorative justice procedure.

I welcome this proposition openly and I commit to bringing this to Council at our next meeting, where we will take a decision on the choice of procedure; this will also involve suspending the decision, which will allow for this council member to resume Council responsibilities. The Council wishes to come to a resolution on this conflict as soon as possible so that we can restore balance and focus on working on community files.

I am very conscious that community members have not had access to all information pertaining to the Zenabis file until now but we have shared as much as we can. I assure you that we will communicate this information with you, in all transparency.

I invite you to visit our website and our Facebook page, in the next few days, where we will publish a fact sheet that will answer any questions that you may have on this particular file.

In closing, I allow myself to highlight the announcement made this Monday by the government of New Brunswick that confirms having concluded an agreement with Zenabis, for the provision of Cannabis to New Brunswick- the retail value of which is between $40-$50 million. For Listuguj, this represents an opportunity that will not only provide a financial return, but more importantly – a partnership built from meaningful conversations, a vision for the future within the sector, and lasting, mutual, beneficial, business relationship.

More details will come in the upcoming days.

On behalf of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government,

Thank you for your time and continued involvement.



For more information please contact:
Chief Darcy Gray, chiefdarcy.gray@listuguj.ca (418) 788-2136


Mike Isaac, Communications Manager, misaac@listuguj.ca (418) 788-2136

Jill Martin, Office of Chief and Council Coordinator, jill.martin@listuguj.ca  (418) 788-2136


Moratorium on Hunting in Listuguj territory

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to inform Kahnawa’kehró:non that it has received notice from the Mi’gmaq community of Listuguj in regard to hunting practices on its territory.

According to a letter sent to Grand Chief Joseph Tokwiro Norton by Listuguj Chief Darcy Gray, respectful hunting practices are not being followed by Kahnawà:ke hunters on Mi’gmaq territory, and that the issue needs to be addressed between the Councils. As a result, the Listuguj Chief and Council has declared a moratorium restricting access to their community’s hunting territory until a protocol is developed.

In addition to the letter, Chief Gray came to Kahnawà:ke last week to meet with Grand Chief Norton to further inform him of his community’s concerns. The issue was discussed at this past Monday’s weekly Council meeting, where Grand Chief Norton and Ietsénhaienhs Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer were given the responsibility on behalf of the MCK to address the issue with the Listuguj Council.

“We have had a long and friendly relationship with the Mi’gmaq people – and Listuguj in particular – for a great many years,” stated Grand Chief Norton. “We will work diligently to find a workable solution for this problem to ensure our great relationship is maintained.”

Community Update: Zenabis

After careful consideration, The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government would like to express our concerns in regards to the misleading statements in regards to the Zenabis investment.

It certainly is unfortunate that information that could be deemed inaccurate and seemingly misleading is disseminated using an unofficial LMG means of communication.  What is more unfortunate, is the potential legal and financial implications which may result in the dissemination of seemingly defamatory statements.

There has been a tremendous amount of hard work that has been taking place between LMG staff in Economic Development, Post-Secondary Education, LMDC and Zenabis. It has already been discussed at council that, Zenabis, Human Resources and LMG employees are collaborating to ensure our people work at every level within the organization. This shows that Zenabis has an invested interest in collaborating with Listuguj to build the capacity of our people to enter the industry.

Additionally, information on their network/partners can easily be found by conducting research online. This allows our community members to get additional information on Zenabis.

Council have followed the direction from community members who were in attendance at the public meeting that took place on September 12, 2017.

The LMG has been, going back to August 19, 2016, conducting consistent communications on or in regards to public events, Council minutes, Social Media and other LMG Communications.

The LMG would like to extend our deepest appreciation to the community members who attend these meetings/events and express themselves. We hear you and continue to listen to your feedback to help guide us to properly lead as your elected council.

Moving forward it has been the decision of Council to:

  • Have additional meetings with Zenabis to allow Council more opportunities to increase their current understanding of the industry;
  • Consult with an accountant and/or economist on the purchase of shares, giving opportunity for council to gain a better understanding on what it means to be a shareholder;
  • Coordinate another public meeting to give the community another opportunity to engage with Chief & Council on the investment with Zenabis moving forward.

In conclusion, The LMG is aware we have the fiduciary duty and will continue to provide accurate information based on fact as often as it is available.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mike Isaac, Communications Manager at 418-788-2136 or misaac@listuguj.ca

New Brunswick Tobacco Enforcement Unit Seeks Information

In response to several calls from the public regarding unknown male persons in dark colored SUV type vehicles with multiple provincial plates, the LPD investigated and established dialogue, it was explained that members of the New Brunswick Tobacco Enforcement Unit were seeking public information about New Brunswick traffic and not Quebec traffic. It was reiterated that the practice of such operations without the consent and knowledge of Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government and the Listuguj Police Department will not be tolerated. The demand for disengagement of operation was issued and complied.


If you have any questions please contact the LPD at 418-788-2334.




Management Action Plan

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government (LMG), in accordance with the Funding Agreement signed with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), must maintain a balanced budget approach in order to guarantee the delivery of essential services to its members. 

The objective of the present Management Action Plan (MAP) is to gather in one document, a range of activities put forward by the LMG to ensure a structured and cohesive realignment of its financial situation. The final objective of this plan is to meet the financial indicators threshold established by AANDC in its analysis of the LMG’s financial situation. Proactive steps have been taken in the right direction but a long term plan is required to ensure a robust and sustainable operation continues. 


Click Here to view the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Management Action Plan (MAP)

Click Here to view the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government Net Dept Detail


Should you have any questions please contact the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government at 418-788-2136