Moose Meat Distribution November 10, 2021

Notice to community members that there will be a moose meat distribution taking place at 2:00 p.m. today at the Listuguj Community Development Centre (Bingo Hall)

Distribution will be open while supplies last & it is first come, first serve basis.



Update from LMG Administration

Starting Tuesday, May 5, 2020, community members can make their rent payments for Section 95 and Lease-To-Own properties at the Listuguj Band Office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Nora Ritchie at 418-788-2136 ext. 2020.

Additional Restrictions to the JC Van Horne Bridge

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government was recently informed that further restrictions have been implemented at the JC Van Horne Bridge. Access is limited to essential personnel, medical appointments and medical emergencies only. Essential services no longer includes access to grocery stores, pharmacies and hardware stores.

This situation is constantly evolving. However, it is clear that crossing the bridge has become problematic due to social distancing efforts by the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick.

We are working diligently with all levels of government to find solutions. More information to come tomorrow.

Community Notice

The Listuguj Chief and Council, in collaboration with senior management, has adopted additional measures to further protect the health and safety of our residents. Monitoring checkpoints will be implemented at four entrance points to the community starting March 31st at 8:00 a.m. for a duration of 48 hours. The Listuguj Fire Department will be stationed at these monitoring checkpoints.

Again, we urge you to please stay at home as much as possible. If you need to travel for essential purposes, identify one person to shop on behalf of several family members. The amount of people going out and interacting in public spaces needs to be reduced for the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Now more than ever, we all have a responsibility in ensuring the health and safety of Listugujewaq – specifically our elders and more vulnerable community members – and the best way to do so is to maintain social distances, practice good hygiene and most importantly stay home.

Community Message

Chief and Council are aware that there are growing concern around non-resident entering our community for non-essential purposes. The health and safety of our residents remains our number one priority. Rest assured, that we are bringing your voice to on-going discussions and working collaboratively with New Brunswick and Quebec around restrictions into the community. This includes the on-going access to essential services and needs as we respond to COVID-19. We would also like to remind everyone that even with the restrictions in place, the key responsibility lies with each and every one of us to do our part to maintain social distance, good hygiene practices, and to stay home and stay safe.

As always, the LMG will continue to provide updates and take action for the safety of our community. Please refer to the LMG website and Social Media pages for the most accurate information.


A Message to Our Community Members

We are living through a rapidly evolving and extraordinary time where the situation is changing rapidly. Our staff is working around the clock to keep you informed of all the latest information from our government, and we thank you for your ongoing patience as we navigate this new reality together. A big “hats off” to our essential staff who have been working tirelessly since our shut down on March 17, 2020. Wela’lieg for your on-going service. We appreciate all the work that you do, and your commitment to the wellbeing of Listuguj.

We are pleased to report there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Listuguj. This means the precautionary measures we’ve implemented thus far have been successful. Rest assured, the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government is doing everything we can to ensure and protect your health and safety. We do this by staying up-to-date on recent health developments, meeting regularly with our emergency response team, and by maintaining regular communication with federal, provincial and First Nations governments, including our neighboring municipalities.

We would also like to thank all of you who have shared your unique circumstances with us regarding accessing the JC Van Horne Bridge. We hear you, and we are here to help. That’s why we have recently opened an e-mail address to collect community concerns so that we can better address your needs. If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail us at

Have a great weekend, stay home and stay safe.

Community Notice

We want to thank you all for your ongoing patience as our government works to clarify the miscommunication at the checkpoint established at the Van Horne Bridge. Chief Darcy Gray has been in communication with the Government of New Brunswick, and we have confirmation from all levels that Listugujewaq can continue to access essential services such as grocery stores, pharmacies, medical purposes, and work for essential personnel. 

We have confirmation as of 5:00 p.m. from the conservation sergeant in charge of the checkpoint that Listugujewaq will not be turned away for accessing these essential services. Chief Darcy Gray is urging community members to respect the guidelines below until we can reach a common understanding, government to government, on how we will proceed moving forward.

Guidelines to be respected:

  • Community members are asked to limit their travel across the bridge to essential travel ONLY;
  • We are asking that there be one occupant per vehicle (if possible), and have the following information on-hand: 
    • I.D. (license, medicare card, or other)
    • Indian Status Card
    • Purpose of travel
    • Contact information

We want to thank community members who shared their unique circumstances with us. Rest assured your concerns are heard and we are working hard to find answers. We thank you for your patience during this time. If you have a unique circumstance we ask that you please inbox our Facebook page, and we will do our best to help you find answers.

Urgent Update from the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government

Update as of 3:40 p.m., March 25, 2020:

The press release issued by Premier Blaine Higgs still remains unclear. As we continue to work and clarify the situation, we encourage community members to use this time to retrieve supplies from grocery stores or pharmacies only to meet their essential needs. We are encouraging essential travel only. Please stay tuned for future updates.



Moments ago Chief Darcy Gray was informed that Premier Blaine Higgs is scheduled to make an announcement at 2:30 p.m. regarding a potential shutdown of the interprovincial border connecting New Brunswick and Quebec scheduled for 3:00 p.m. We’re told this action is their government’s effort to protect the health and safety of New Brunswickers. A decision, that if followed through, would be made knowing the high risk impacts it would have on the citizens of Listuguj and the surrounding areas that rely on access to food and services located in Campbellton, New Brunswick. 

The Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government has been in on-going discussions with the province regarding the significant impacts of closing the border. Despite our concerted efforts to work with the province in good faith, we are concerned that Premier Higgs will make an executive decision to cut our access to essential services such as food and access to drug stores in New Brunswick.

Chief Darcy Gray is now in an emergency meeting with Council discussing these new developments and will make a public announcement ASAP.

Update from the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government




The Listuguj Chief and Council, in collaboration with senior management, has approved the extended closure of the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government based on the recommendation of the Emergency Response Team. LMG offices will remain closed until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. This decision will be re-assessed before the official return date and communicated to our community members, staff, and public.


COVID-19 Updates as of March 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.:

  • There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Listuguj.
  • Today, the Premier of New Brunswick briefly discussed inter-provincial border access during the province’s daily public update. The purpose was to reflect that public health remains a top priority and to balance how people need to have access – but to do it safely. The LMG is aware of this need and is working collaboratively with the Government of New Brunswick.
  • The LMG website has been converted to meet the communication demands of COVID-19. Please consult the LMG website or LMG social media pages for up-to-date information regarding the LMG’s response to COVID-19.


Chief and Council would like to take this opportunity to thank our essential personnel for their on-going dedication and service to our community. Your efforts do not go unseen. Wela’lieg.

Council Asking Non-Essential Service Providers to Close Business

The Listuguj Chief and Council and the Emergency Response team are jointly urging businesses who provide non-essential services to close amid the increased risk of spreading COVID-19. 

Council is asking all non-essential service providers to close business by 12 p.m. noon Friday, March 27, 2020. Businesses that can close sooner are strongly encouraged to do so.

Only businesses offering the following essential services can remain open:

  • Convenience stores
  • Cannabis retailers
  • Gas stations
  • Repair services (construction, electrical, plumbing, and heating)

These additional measures were not taken lightly but were deemed necessary to ensure the public health and safety of our community members. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these difficult times. 

If you are a business owner with operations within Listuguj Lands and you would like to get up to date information regarding emergency management measures, sign up for our business email list by contacting Natalia Caplin at