Attention Upcoming Protest Friday January 11th, 2013

Attention Upcoming Protest Friday January 11th, 2013

On Monday January 7th, 2013 there was a meeting that involved Chief and Council, Community Protestors, and various Elected Represenatives from the Gaspésie region.

The meeting was arranged to discuss the railway protest that community members have been displaying, and what action can be taken to bring it to an end.

This request was made because the blocking of the railway did not have any direct effect on the Harper Government but was causing negative effects for the entire region of Gaspésie.

Throughout the meeting arguments were put forward and opinions expressed and in the end the Elected representatives expressed their willingness to support the community of Listuguj in their protest against this “omnibus” Bill including but not limited to bill C-45.

Therefore on Friday January 11th, 2013 there will be a closing of the Van Horne Bridge at 2pm Atlantic time until 3pm for a peaceful march across the bridge. This protest will involve the Community protestors, members of Council, and Elected Represenatives from the Region to show support for the meetings that are taking place in Ottawa.

Everyone is asked to gather at the Subway parking lot adjacent to the Van Horne Bridge.

A press conference will be held at the Alaqsite’w Gitpu School at 3:30pm following the protest with the regional leaders where they will be able to make statements and answer any questions the media has.

For any information please contact:

Mike Isaac Communication Officer,

(418) 788-2136 (Work) (E-mail)